A red bird's tears

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Red Hood didn't know much about Nightwing, but what he did know is that the black and blue clad vigilante was a nuisance. All he did was make Jason's job harder, constantly rescuing the people he'd gone after and keeping him from cleaning up the streets of Blüdhaven like he wanted to.

If Nightwing was gone, then Jason would be able to get rid of the rapists, drug lords, and criminals that polluted the city.

The day Jason decided to officially put Nightwing on his hit list was a Tuesday. He'd already been having a long day, and it only got worse when Nightwing saved a drug lord from one of his bullets.

Jason had been absolutely furious when the drug lord got off with little more than a reprimand and was out on the streets again the next day.

All of Jason's rage was channeled directly onto Nightwing as the vigilante saved criminal after criminal from Jason's judgement and execution.

It didn't take long for Jason to move Nightwing to the top of his hit list, only a few days after he'd added him in the first place. He needed the hero gone if he was ever going to fix Blüdhaven, so he took his sweet time planning out the detailed trap for Nightwing, wanting to make sure there was no possible way it could fail.

Jason grinned as he pressed the barrel of his gun to Nightwing's sternum, directly over the blue bird symbol.

Nightwing's back was up against a wall, his chest heaving from the intense fight the two had been engaged in moments earlier.

Jason had lost his helmet sometime during their fight, leaving him with a simple red domino mask.

The lenses of Nightwing's mask were wide as he stared at the gun pressed to his chest.

Jason's finger tightened on the trigger of his gun.

"Don't take it personal Birdie, but I can't have you continuing to mess up my plans now can I?" Jason whispered in Nightwing's ear before pulling the trigger.

Nightwing's body fell to the ground, and Jason watched with a smirk as the blue bird symbol on his chest turned red with blood.

Jason was now free to clean up Blüdhaven how he wanted, and there was no more goodie two shoes Nightwing to stop him.

The smirk fell off of Jason's face, and he froze when he heard the sound of his own name pass through Nightwing's blood-slicked lips.

Jason's eyes flicked to Nightwing's hand where he held the red domino mask that Jason hadn't even notice him grab.

Nightwing's body stilled after a final rattling breath.

Jason hesitantly gripped the edge of Nightwing's domino mask and pulled it off with shaking hands.

"What have I done?" Jason whispered as he stumbled back from the body of the man he now recognized to be Dick Grayson.

Tears welled up in Jason's eyes, and he rushed back to Dick's body, hoping with everything he had in him that he was still alive.

There was no pulse.

Jason desperately wrapped Dick's wound before starting CPR. He didn't know how long he'd been doing chest compressions and rescue breaths when he finally stopped.

Jason sat next to Dick's body, his hands coated with his brother's blood... and for the first time since his resurrection, he cried.

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