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The old clock on the wall of her room ticked sonorously with every passing second. To someone relatively normal, the ticking would drive them crazy, but for Y/N, it was relaxing.

She knew with every tick... every passing second someone died around the world... but also many were born at the same time, she ignored that though. Her focus was on the deaths. Death was interesting for her, her inquisitiveness always made her wonder what it was like to die. She was not planning on dying any time soon though, but still, she was curious about how it must be. Y/N finds comfort in the fact that she will find out when the inevitable time comes for her.

There was no music playing around, yet a single song was stuck in her head, so she started to sing it as low as she could to not make her parents aware that she was awake. She didn't want to socialize with anyone just yet. "The dead I owe; gotta sell my soul, 'cause I can't say no, no, I can't say no; then my limbs are frozen, and my eyes won't close, and I can't say no, I can't say no."

Y/N questioned herself a lot in search of answers she already had but decided to ignore. She wanted to know why was she like this...? Having this morbid interest in death.

After brushing her hair for ten minutes straight, it had finally settled down. The end of the school year was near, and with it came the summer... Y/N's most hated season, but still, it's not like she was planning out getting out of her house too much. Thankfully, today was Saturday.

The first rays of the sun were still nowhere to be seen. She was surprised with herself, she usually woke up five minutes before school started at 8:15 even if there was no school, yet she was awake at 3:30 sharp.

There must be someone expecting her.

Y/N threw a hoodie over her head quickly, she raised her arms to fit them in the sleeves before she pulled the hoodie down. She looked down making sure she was wearing socks. Ever so carefully, she slowly opened the door of her room, making sure there was no sound. She opened the door just enough for her to slip outside. She quickly tiptoed down the stairs that finished in a little spiral. Having done this almost every day, she had mastered sneakiness, it came naturally to her now, just as silent and gracefully as a cat or a gazelle.

She took a silent deep breath to calm down her heart. The girl didn't know who was going to visit her today, every day was always one out of the seven possibilities.

She heard silent scratching on the door, indicating her visitor was already impatient. With a grin spreading across her small-rounded face, she slowly opened the front door to not make much noise. A ragdoll kitten entered the house right away. The beautiful kitten stood by Y/N's side right away. She closed the door silently before all her attention directed on the kitten. Cooing, Y/N softly took the cat in her arms, the cat made himself comfortable in her arms right away.

Y/N did not know why multiple animals visited her every day, but she loved it. She did not have any official pets, but the animals always with her had been unofficially adopted by the family. She saw them as her multiple spirits-guardian.

The kitten 'Suga' clung to her body, Y/N assumed in search of body heat, but in reality, the truth was completely different.

Y/N has known the cat's name ever since the start just like with the rest of her spirit guardians, all of them met her with a paper in which they had their names written for her. She had memorized their names right away.

She would get visits from a koala, a baby alpaca, a kitten/cat, a squirrel, a very fluffy Pomeranian, a tiger cub, and a cute bunny.

Today seemed to be the kitten's turn to pay her a visit.

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