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Life doesn't start until you graduate... that's what they say.

The human girl could feel it as her heart hammered inside her chest as soon as she woke up. She was skipping school and tomorrow as well until graduation because she had to say goodbye.

Her heartbeat becomes heavier as she sat up. It was still early as the sun had not risen on the horizon, yet there was no way she could go back to sleep. The human girl could only hope to be alone for not too long as RJ was already gone.

She took a deep breath as she walked towards her wardrobe with a place to go in mind. With heavy steps being silenced by the carpet, she opened the door of her room and then went down the dark stairs towards the bathroom with her clean clothes in her hands.

As she was about to turn the handle of the bathroom to go inside, she stopped all her movements in the middle of the darkness. A scratching sound was coming from the front door. She let all her clothes fall onto the floor carelessly as she went to open the door to receive her partner for the day. She opened the front door without hesitations but as quiet as always. A Pomeranian white as the snow came running inside cheerfully. A little smile formed on her face as the door stood on two legs. She kneeled down in front of the cute ball of fur a second before he took Chimmy in her arms to cuddle him. Chimmy started to lick all her face making her choke on her on giggles as she had to be quiet.

With Chimmy in held with her left arm, she walked towards the bathroom to pick up her clothes. With the only couple of fingers free she had, she went inside the bathroom to take a shower. She let down Chimmy and then placed her clothes close to the shower. The ball of fur respectfully looked to the other side as the human girl undressed to get inside the shower. 

The water started to run cold so Y/N was standing on the corner of the shower like a cat afraid of water until the hot water finally made its appearance. She silently sighed as the warm water hit her skin. The human girl wanted to stay under the warm water forever but she also wanted to go outside. 

After battling to wash her long hair with shampoo and conditioner and rinsing herself with a pineapple-scented body wash, she was done. She had more things to do in there but her heart couldn't wait any longer. Her parents had to work today so it was going to be only Chimmy and her.

She worked as fast as she could in drying herself, getting dressed, and brushing her hair. Her eyelids were not heavy anymore but her mind was blank for some reason. There was something inside of her that she had to leave as soon as possible... it's not like she had an hour to come back, her parents were aware of what she was going to do that day and tomorrow. 

The human girl looked at herself once more before she took Chimmy in her arms. She kissed his cute face multiple times as she walked out of the bathroom ready to go out in the world. She grabbed her car keys before she opened the front door to get out. The sun was barely appearing over the horizon by the time she was walking towards her car. She unlocked the car from afar making Chimmy excited. 

She opened the door and Chimmy jumped out of her arms into the car right away. The human girl chuckled as she tucked her hair inside her hoodie before she got in the driver's seat. Once she had the seatbelt on, Chimmy placed himself over her lap. Her thighs tickled as his fur had contact with the bare skin. She was wearing shorts with a hoodie on top because even if it was summer, the beach on her side of the country was always cold no matter what. Why does the Pacific Ocean have to get its currents from Alaska? 

She turned half of her upper body aside to be able to look behind as she pulled from the driveway. She lived close to the entrance of the hallway so she was driving at 60mph in a minute.

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