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She blinked multiple times as she was clueless about everything that had happened.

Yugyeom closed his eyes as a silent sigh left his lips.

His world had always been gloomy and dark for the most part, but why was the entire world suddenly getting caught on fire?

His palm pressed against his forehead while his chest raised up.

"What's wrong?" A sweet little voice asked him.

A thunderstorm was taking place outside. Thunders were heard almost every minute. The place she was in was cold and dark once again. A rumble of thunder that was louder than the previous ones echoed through the entire place startling the girl. Her crown fell down from her head but she was quick to catch it before it touched the floor.

As the shinigami thought of what to say in the middle of the mess, the girl looked at the crown curiously. Yugyeom had placed it over her head when he was standing behind her, she hadn't been able to see it until now. She hadn't realized it, but the crown was very heavy over her head. The crown was made of pure rose gold with obsidian and black diamonds that shined when the tiniest bit of light went over it.

Before she could realize it, Yugyeom's delicate hands took the crown from her to put it once again on her head.

"Buttercup... why are you a villain in the making?" The shinigami asked tiredly as he took her in his arms.

"A villain in the making?" Her little voice asked confused.

A villain in the making. Why did those words make her heart suddenly hammer inside her chest? Had she done something wrong? She didn't remember anything bad... just Yugyeom...

What did he mean by that?

He sat down on a sofa that was placed in front of the window in the room. Buttercup was on his lap snuggled like a baby. Her right hand was over his shoulder as she looked outside the window. The storm was clearing. The layer of clouds was not as thick anymore... the full moon was now visible.

His body gave her the warmth she needed once again. Being with him calmed her. No matter how cold the room could get, if she was snuggled up to him, she wouldn't feel cold.

His gaze was set on her the entire time and she soon turned to face him.

"I swear not by the moon my love for you, Buttercup. But I do swear for my ending life that I will die loving you."

A deep crimson tint appeared over her face. Her heart raced and he noticed it. His words were full of love and meaning. He had never said that to somebody, and it felt good to have an effect on someone.

"I-I..." a tingling current went through her body as she tried to muster the courage to say it back. A voice inside her mind was screaming at her to say it back.

The shinigami chuckled softly at his Buttercup's shyness. He leaned closer to her to leave a chaste kiss over her eyebrow that sent tingles to her skin.

A heavy sigh left her lips. "I-I love you too."


It had been only an hour, but the seven soulmates were already sulking as they knew what was to come.

"It was that damned moth!" Jin cried out as he uncontrollably wiped his tears from his eyes.

The royal doctor was examining every aspect of the newborn vampiress as she laid on her bed... looking as if she was going to wake up in just a couple of minutes.

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