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It had been a long day full of emotions, but now she was finally back at home. It was late already and her parents were getting already in their room watching T.V. before going to sleep... in other words, she had been left alone and she loved it.

She was in the living room thinking about having to start packing but just thinking about it. Y/N had already put on sweatpants and a comfy men's T-shirt to go to sleep, yet she had a lot of thinking to do before she put an end to the day.

The shuffling around the house was long gone along with the sunlight. The darkness had taken over the house as it was time to sleep. Y/N felt safe in the darkness as another human would not be able to see her if she stood quiet. Even if a vampire saw her, she knew if she was also a vampire, there were techniques to become one with the darkness. There were a lot of humans, just not in her area in the tiny town but that was okay. She could still hide from her parents using the darkness.

She jumped on her seat as there was scratching on the door. She got goosebumps as the scratching did not stop.

The human girl silently got off the couch and walked towards the door without making any noise. She silently pulled the handle of the door down and pulled the door towards her. Her heart skipped a beat as a bunny was on the other side of the door looking right back at her. Cooky.

The cute fluffy ball looked at her and then started to jump away. Y/N remained frozen on her spot as she was so confused. After jumping four times, the bunny looked over his shoulder to see her and then jumped twice to repeat the same. The human girl got the message right away. She was already wearing slippers so she got out of the house right away.

The bunny started to lead her to the backside of her house towards the little dirt-road that was used by homeowners to park their cars in their garage. There were fences on both sides of her because the houses had them. The bunny stopped jumping when she was right behind her house and the neighbor in front.

Cooky turned to look at her before the bunny disappeared. She remained frozen on her spot as Cooky... the bunny that had been with her once a week for her entire life turned into a handsome man.... one that she had met briefly at the beach.

She did not have time to say anything because the rest of her supposed spirit-guardians appeared behind the man. She held her breath as all of them stood next to the man... Jungkook.

RJ, Koya, Suga, Sunshine, Chimmy, Taetae, and apparently Cooky stood in front of her. One by one all of them turned into the vampires she had met earlier in the week. She was the most surprised as RJ turned into Kim SeokJin... the vampire whose presence alone had given her goosebumps the first time and still did.

What the hell is going on? She didn't know. All she knew is that someone better grab her as she is going down. Y/N had never fainted in her life, but this occasion did call for it as she needed to reset her brain.

There is no way-

Five seconds... just five seconds she got to have before she inevitably opened her eyes. The first thing she saw were two beautiful red eyes. Yoongi had caught her in his arms just in time for her to not hit the harsh ground.

He smiled as he lost himself in her beautiful eyes. Having her in his arms like this was something he had longed for all these years.

She blinked multiple times but did not mutter a word. Yoongi picked her up in his arms, but not in the way she thought he would. He grabbed the back of her thighs and she had looped her arms around his neck out of instinct. She felt like a toddler and incredibly flustered as he was lifting her up with her legs wrapped around his waist...

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