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The newborn vampiress felt the nervousness in her entire being as she walked outside her room... all dressed up. She was not leaving the palace as long as she knew, but the princess had requested her presence... and that was something she wouldn't take lightly. Even if they had a weird encounter at the dance, she was still the crowned princess. Y/N didn't even have a royal title yet. 

Her soulmates had been at the library all day and night, and she was with them until she was notified of the princess's request. She had rushed towards her room to put on some proper clothes... vintage clothes? The Victorian era fashion was not foreign for her, but it was definitely weird to wear it. Well... the princess and her generation got pretty much stuck in the Victorian era along with other vampires, but it was known that the reigning queen and king of vampires along with the entire court that has been ruling for centuries now was rather fond of their ruffs and their Elizabethan fashion era. It was a very marked contrast between the generations within the royalty. Y/N had opted for the Victorian era fashion as modern fashion was not accepted in the royalty and the fact that she was the youngest vampire walking around in the entire palace made her feel like a tiny baby. 

The hallways were heavily decorated from the marvel floors to the walls and ceiling. If the newborn vampire looked up, there would be a painting from the Renaissance period about an important event in vampire history. The newer paintings followed the same style and they were made by the same artist. The last painted art piece on the ceiling was the day Princess Pepper was introduced to the vampire society. Y/N didn't know exactly where the painting was, but she would look for it out of pure curiosity.

After a walk to the other side of the castle with an absent mind, she was finally in front of the princess's office. 

Even from the outside, she could feel it... the loneliness. Her hand went right over her necklace out of habit... a new habit to calm herself down.

She shyly knocked on the door as she looked down making sure her clothes were in place. 

"Come on in," a delicate and soft voice said from the inside. 

Y/N gulped down harshly before taking a deep breath. Her chest raised high up as she tried to calm herself down before softly opening the heavy doors. 

The tall walls were covered with books and there were several lines of extra bookshelves that were full of scrolls. At the end of the room right in the middle... there she was. The princess had a huge desk in front of her that was clearly hand-carved as every detail was just so precise and unique. Her long hair was all over the place but that didn't seem to bother her. 

With her hands in front of her lap, the newborn vampires walked towards the princess not knowing what was about to happen.

The princess took a deep breath before she let her quill delicately rest over the little bottle of blank ink resting in front of her before she looks up in a calm matter. She knew who was coming already so her face did not show any reaction nor much emotion, but she wasn't cold.

"Y/N," she said softly as a tiny smile slowly formed on her face. 

"Your Royal Highness," the newborn vampiress greeted bowing.

"Please sit down."

Y/N sat in front of the princess silently. Her heart was still hammering inside of her chest, but she had managed to keep the calm posture she was showing.

There was a weird but pleasant feeling in Pepper's heart. "Would you like to become my lady-in-waiting?" She asked the newborn vampiress with hope...

A hope to have a girlfriend.

"Lady-in-waiting?" The newborn vampiress babbled.

Y/N had heard the term loosely when she was taught about the British royalty, but she wasn't sure what exactly did ladies-in-waiting...

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