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She was in heaven.

Namjoon was scratching right under her beak. She felt herself purring as the ethereal vampire seemed to know how to give the perfect scratch. The bird was lying in his arms like a baby with her head thrown back, completely exposing her tummy and neck to him.

Before Namjoon got a hold of her, Jin was petting her. Turns out, Taehyung and Jimin were quick to point out to everyone her favorite spot.

It had only been a day since the ball, but for some reason, the hybrid felt like all of that had happened so long ago...

Jin had prepared delicious food for everyone in a very intimate party. They were outside in the gardens where a tiny sprout of a brisclotlene pine was barely starting to show up. Pink leaves from the maquilishuats softly fell down to the floor as the weather was finally changing. The summer was leaving, and the fall was coming. 

The night was young, and for once, they didn't have to worry about anything. A light breeze hit her feathers, but she didn't notice it. All she could notice was the immense happiness filling her heart. For the first time in a little while, her heart was not aching in the back of all those emotions she pushed deep down. 

It was the first time everyone got to see the phoenix in all her glory. Seeing her flying around the first time in the ballroom had been too shocking, even for Jin. Now that there was no danger, they got to see all her details.

The phoenix answered by any name really as she still had to find her name. The name she would adopt could wait though, the pets were way more important. 

"I got them!" Yugyeom squealed as he ran towards Namjoon and the second phoenix.

Jungkook joyfully laughed as he ran behind Yugyeom. Both of them had grins on their faces that made the hybrid's heart hammer inside her chest.

Yugyeom was here with her, and with just his presence, she was overflowing with happiness just like everybody wanted. 
The newborn in the nest was growing stronger, and now being a full hybrid, her shinigami side made her develop protection against the sun. Unlike typical newborn vampires, she didn't get sunburns as easily anymore. Her powers were still out of control, especially with her new powers as a hybrid, but she wasn't dangerous. With eight people watching over her, the situation was under control. 

Yugyeom and Jungkook had gone inside the castle to get hand mirrors. Now that they had them, they started to hold them on the ground.

"I'll help!" Jimin screamed from afar with an eye smile.

"Wait! Me too!" Taehyung screamed as he started to race Jimin. Jimin giggled as he ran as fast as he could to not let Taehyung win.

All of them held one mirror in a little circle. The nameless phoenix turned to look at them curiously. The scratches on her favorite spot felt good, but she was also dying to look at herself. All the nest had done was fan over her appearance, but she hadn't gotten to see herself properly other than the time the phoenix flew towards her in that desert. 

The bird sighed internally before she lazily got off Joon's arms. She didn't want to leave that heavenly place, but pets were going to come soon anyway. Pets were the only thing that mattered...

She hopped off Joon's arms and landed very gracefully on the floor. She walked towards the middle of the circle. She walked in a very straight position showing off her feather as much as she could like a peacock. For once, the hybrid felt like she had the right to claim the attention as she was just beautiful. 
Internally she hoped all this confidence would stick to her human form... 

Her head tilted to the side as she looked at herself. She was rather a short bird, but she still had long legs like a stork for her proportions. Her body was thin and small, but her feathers surely were something. Her feathers made her look two times bigger than what she actually was, but thanks to her feathers her soulmates were able to just scoop her up in their arms and carry her around like a baby like the younger ones of the nest seemed to love doing. She had a big tail that had been described as seemed to be on fire when she flew, little flames followed her as she flew in the air but the flames were harmless. The bird turned around using all the mirrors around to see all her striking 

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