Bonus Chapter

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Yoongi had no business growing his hair out and styling it to perfectly frame his face. The hybrid tried to pay attention, she really did... but as her Word document was transcribing everything he was saying during the class with the "dictate" function, she allowed herself to lose track of the class in favor of admiring her soulmate. 

"Close your mouth or else you'll start drooling," Taemin's voice took her out of her heavenly thoughts, making her snap her head to the side. Vampire, always in character, had a playful smirk on his face with a certain glint in his eyes that appeared every time he turned to look at Y/N. "If you just wanted to admire him for the whole fifty minutes, we could've sat in the back row you know," he whispered this time, trying to not call Yoongi's attention even though they both knew the vampire knew they were distracted. 

The hybrid tried to hide her smile, her lips turning into a thin line turned upwards. "Wasn't the plan," she said plainly as she turned to look to the front of the class. Professor Min had moved from the front of the class to his desk where he stood as he changed windows in his laptop. The presentation changed from an example of an immoral phycology experiment to an example of a moral experiment currently being conducted by students earning their Ph.D., also serving as an advertisement of the experiment to help them. 

Why was the hybrid taking the class? Because she wanted an excuse to not be so much time apart from her soulmates, even though she usually would get to see only Yoongi for most of her time at the university throughout the day. Taemin almost by default was placed in all her classes, not really caring as he had his own classes relevant to his major which was different from Y/N's at noon. 

The class was really small in a building that used to be the house of one of the original professors back when the university opened, all those centuries ago. The mansion was on the outskirts of the university campus back then, but now being trapped in the middle as a building for classes from different departments. 
Yoongi started his career at the university as a substitute director for the marching band while the main director went on maternity leave, but as soon as she came back, the university offered Yoongi a permanent position as a staff member in the psychology department given his background and research in the field through centuries. With his Ph.D., he was easily offered the open professor position, allowing funds to conduct research if he wanted. 

Now that the hybrid was part of the nest, all of them had encountered new freedom they never quite had. All of them use it in different ways. The hybrid, however, had almost no time off because of the university workload. 

"Do you think he'll make the marching band play happy birthday for you?" Taemin asked teasingly, not turning to look at the hybrid as he didn't want to make their bickering too obvious to Yoongi or the camera recording the class as usual procedure. 

It was a Wednesday, but not just any Wednesday. It was Y/N's birthday — and exactly the day she had had three mid-terms in almost all her classes but this one, because Yoongi wouldn't add more pain to the hybrid on her special day. Hell, the man didn't even do mid-terms in his classes, he had weekly reflection logs and discussions leading to a final group project graded individually.
Yes, the hybrid was always in his office hours (basically being the only one as students didn't go to office hours, until the mid-term week, which Yoongi did not have) and yes, she was whipped for her professor so what? sue her if you want. 

After a couple of more slides, Yoongi finally paid attention to the scrambling students trying to keep up with the notes. A little smile formed on his face as he looked at Y/N before saying the three magical words. "We are done." 

At that point, it didn't matter for the six hundred students taking notes if they were done or not, they picked up their things and left, except for Y/N after watching Taemin rush out of his seat to run to his next class across campus. The hybrid didn't have another class for the day, so she slowly packed her laptop and mouse into her backpack, making sure all the students were out before she could approach Yoongi in a way other than a student. As always, there were one or two students that made their way to the professor, but those were quick to go away too. 

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