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Y/N laid on her bed with a wet cloth over her forehead as she was having a high fever because of the shinigami and vampiric blood crashing together. It wasn't something to worry about, the fever was going to soon go away and she would be as if nothing happened.

No words were spoken as the hybrid was unwell. Every vampire in the nest was present in the room but they were just quiet.

She had been away less than two days, but her absence had taken a huge toll on everyone... and it did not help that Aketzali's skull was in a glass box on display over a shelf in Y/N's room.
By the time they were back home, the skull was already there. Some shinigami had brought it before they had come back.

The hybrid remaining royal to Pepper hadn't told them where exactly she had hidden it, she just had shown them that she had trusted the skull to the princess and that's it. The mystery of where Shakespeare's skull and many other historic artifacts were continued.

Y/N's eyes were closed as her head didn't stop spinning even if she wasn't moving at all. Surprisingly she didn't have a headache, but the spinning was distracting enough for her. The hybrid stopped her mind from going places or bringing flashbacks back.

A soothing image completely fabricated by her brain appeared in her mind and she allowed it as it wasn't linked with anything really.

She was in a forest, but the forest wasn't scary. The scenery felt familiar to her. The forest resembled one full of pines, one you would find in Oregon by the coast. She had passed trees like the ones around her right now all the time as she drove to one of her favorite places ever.

All those familiar trees were around her. Green grass was under her, but the grass had a dark green tint because of the full shadow the pines offered. The feeling of grass under her feet was maybe way too real... she could feel it perfectly as she noticed her feet were bare. The hybrid paused the little image in her head to feel her real surroundings.

She was still laying down on her bed and could still feel the presence of seven vampires in the same room as her.

Y/N allowed herself to go back to the mysterious yet comforting forest with her mind. Again, she was sure her body was laying down on the bed, but the grass under her bare feet felt too real. The forest was cool but she wasn't cold. She looked down to herself to see her garments. The hybrid felt her eyes widening as she saw the oversized sweater she was wearing. It was a sweater she had knitted during the summer of her senior year... RJ one day had brought yarn with him when he came to look over her and she decided to make a cozy sweater out of the yarn that she seemed to be wearing right now. Her favorite pair of sweatpants was protecting her against the elements making her feel extra comfortable in her own skin.

Why were her feet bare though? Well... it's not like it bothered her. In this fabricated image, nothing bothered her.

It seemed as her feet started to move on their own but she did not think much of it. She started to walk around the trees, every once in a while the hybrid would look up trying to see the end of any pine but she never seemed to manage to see the end...

She was surrounded by light darkness... Y/N could see where she was going, but there was no direct source of light as the pines' branches covered the sun from her.

Within the darkness she suddenly realized...

The place seemed to be dark, but it didn't seem gloomy nor dead. The forest was full of life.

She smiled as she spotted a nest with a couple of birds snuggling each other over their eggs. A couple of meters away over the grass was a white bunny jumping calmly. The bunny reminded her of Cooky, but it was obvious it wasn't him.

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