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The vampiress sat down on her lonely bed inside her personal bedroom. She needed some time alone and her soulmates understood that. The nest knew an explanation was needed, but the time for that would come.

Her room was not decorated, all her things remained back at her parent's house because with the chaos around her, there hadn't been time to pick it up. The truth was, the vampiress was afraid of going closer to humans. It's not like she could see how much time left of life they had like in Death Note with a shinigami's eyes, but humans made her feel uneasy every time she was close to one after turning into a vampire. It wasn't her thirst for blood that bothered her, her soulmates always made sure to provide it for her. It was something else... but she didn't know what it was, and that feeling of uncertainty was the worst for her.

Who was her? Why did she have this talent? How could she use this talent?

The storm inside her started with just one "simple" question that she couldn't answer, but now as she started to get answers, more questions appeared inside her head, making the storm transform into the terrible tornado that formed chaos and made her question everything she knew until now.

All she wanted was to be able to answer the questions inside her head that were tormenting her even when she was sleeping in the arms of her soulmates. It had been just a couple of hours after leaving the forgotten civilization, yet it felt like it had been months. The complete darkness of her room soothed her as she sought refuge in it. Her throat was tight, limiting the air that got to her lungs. The feeling of drowning was not foreign for her, but this time the feeling was stronger than ever.

Why couldn't she just have a normal talent? A common talent that is understood by everyone... she wouldn't be going through all this if she was just normal. Humans always pushed her away because she was weird, and now apparently the same will happen in the vampire world. She had her soulmates, but she couldn't push away the feeling of the ground below her crumbling as she walked by.

The vampiress suddenly felt like death followed her closely. It all started innocently with her liking for antique photos... and well, the thought of knowing that someone died every second as the ticking of her clock marked, but she never said it out loud... why was she being tormented by something she did not deserve.

"Who am I?" She asked to herself in a whisper...

She took a deep breath as her right arm retracted from the baggy sleeve. With her arm having direct contact with her skin, she took her hand to her left boob. She cupped her breast, that simple gesture was soothing to her and basically every female out there. It would look weird if someone suddenly went inside the room, but by replaying some memories of her, it was obvious that her soulmates had seen her grabbing her boobs for comfort so many times.

How was she supposed to solve the continuous puzzle that was forming inside her head? She had solved one after learning who that native was, but a mother puzzle, this time larger had formed, bothering the hell out of her.

A soft knock broke the dead-silence inside the vampiress's room, but she did not hear it as she was deep in thought. After not receiving an answer, the door was slowly opened.

Hoseok's head peaked through the door before he opened it enough for him to get inside. He noticed the position she was in, but it wasn't something new for him, he had seen her sitting on her bed like this multiple times throughout her entire life.

Through the soulmate bond, he felt that something stronger than he had thought was bothering her. He knew something was not right ever since she set foot in her country after so long, but he had not understood the real gravity of the situation.

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