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Classes at the Royal University were soon going to start. This is where Taemin and Y/N were going to attend. The Royal University was the most prestigious university as all the royalty from every part of the world attended there. Y/N assumed that her entrance into the university by her own means played in her favor when she was presented as a soon-to-be royal in the vampiric royalty. 

She had had to sacrifice so many things to get in... it had been a nightmare. So many nights she had spent crying out of pure stress as uncertainty about her future filled her. She was first in her class and loved by most teachers, but still, she had to skip hangouts with friends to stay at home doing homework. She had to miss many fun activities from family and school to do homework. She had to stay awake for days straight to study for the final exams to get perfect grades. She had to be better than her classmates and than many others worldwide to make it.

The only comfort she had found was in her soulmates and in Taemin who was in the same situation.

Ah... Taemin. She missed her dearest best friend. The newborn vampiress closed her eyes as flashbacks from a trauma came back in her head. She hadn't had nightmares about it after a year thankfully, but the flashbacks were still painful. 

Y/N was snuggled up to Jin as both of them laid on the bed together. Her right hand softly grabbed Jin's shirt as she needed comfort. His sweet smell calmed her down right away and his strong arms around her made her realize she wasn't there... everything was just in her imagination.

It was almost the end of the first semester of her first year in high school. She had met Taemin the very first day of school and had become friends right away, yet they weren't best friends yet... they didn't even have a friendship bond or anything, but it was forming. They always ate together during lunch and sat together on all the classes they could. Both of them being introverts, they could just sit in silence while eating without it being awkward or something. 

Laugh filled the hallways seconds before the bell ending the lunch echoed through the entire campus. As they walked outside the library, Y/N was cleaning cheese from the nachos that was all over Koya's baby koala face. A huge grin was on her also baby face as the little koala made funny faces for her. 

The human girl was extremely popular because she was the cheerful face of the "Spartan news," youtube videos about the news of the school made by the leadership class every school day. Also, she was a cutie everybody wanted to hang around, but she preferred being with Taemin out of all. The friends sat next to each other, but not close enough for Taemin to pay much attention to what Y/N would say to her spirit guardian. The human girl would tell them absolutely everything but in whispers, so only them would hear.

"Hey! Y/N!" A cheerful female voice called her from afar. 

The human girl turned to look around. She found Solar looking as stunning as always smiling at her. Solar was one of Y/N's biggest friends. The beautiful girl gave her a cute envelope. "Would you like to come to my birthday party?" She asked with a sweet voice. "My mom can give you a ride to the party! We will stuff our face in cake and have a sleepover!" 

The human girl smiled cheerfully. "I'll ask my mom!" 

Every student in her friend group was around 14-15 years old. At this age, all parties were still a bit more on kid's parties. Y/N's mother was for sure going to say yes.

Solar got out of the classroom and went towards hers happily.

"I'm so excited," she said to Koya. The baby koala smiled in his own way.

"Okay, class! Finish any assignments you have left to turn in and get a good grade! Remember the semester is ending in two days," the teacher said as she sat down behind her desk.

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