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Y/N had decided to take Pepper to her favorite antique store after a pleasant meal at the restaurant. The antique store was a place that once was a high school before WWII in the middle of Oregon's countryside. She knew the princess would like the place... and she also wanted to test herself. The newborn vampiress knew what had happened when she was in a room full of antique photos after becoming a vampiress... what would happen now? A voice inside her head kept screaming that it was a horrible idea, but she ignored that voice as always. With her soulmates not being around, she wasn't sure how things were going to go.

The two vampiresses held hands as human friends usually did as they went inside the place that once was a high school. A familiar smell filled Y/N's nose as both of them walked deeper into the place. The place was cozy as always and it gave a sense of hidden history that lied behind everything around. In reality, every tiny thing had a story... from a housewife washing her family's clothes with her trusty washboard that was now on sale and she long gone to furniture that had been hand-made by usually a man of a household for the family home a long time ago. Many stolen artifacts were also on sale but no one really knew that they were once stolen. 

The store had three levels to see, all full of antique things on sale, so they had a lot of territory to cover. Y/N was known at the store as a photo hunter, but this time she didn't really want to go anywhere near them... although, destiny could be cruel.

"Y/N!" An old male cheerful voice called. Pepper amusingly laughed quietly.

This was the countryside... even though Y/N used to live in a neighboring town to where they were, all the old people knew her as she always wanted to know about history.

The old man did not pay much attention to her before he had hunched down behind the main desk to get something. 

Photos of all sizes and years were put over the desk for Y/N to see. The newborn vampiress gulped down nervously before she decided to act normal. Dragging Pepper behind her, both of them walked to take a look at the photos.

"Tell me if you like any," the man said before patting Y/N's head. 

Both of the vampiresses took a moment to look at each photo. Most of them were family portraits.

There was one that caught Y/N's attention, it had no price tag. Out of nowhere, she felt a strong wave of nostalgia as she looked at the photo. There was a couple dancing with grins on their faces... the man had an arm looped around her waist while the other one was intertwined with her hand... her other hand was over his shoulder as both of them danced. 

The newborn vampiress looked behind the frame where thankfully the year and place of the photo were written in very fancy cursive handwriting.

California, 1954.

Her heart hammered inside Y/N's chest for some reason that she couldn't explain. Her pale black eye started to tingle once again. Her eyes pinned on the man... that man that had wavy black hair that fitted him so well...

SHE HAD SEEN HIM... somewhere. 

With the dress that had taken her an entire week to make, she felt more than ready for the local festival somewhere in California's countryside.

The moth usually following her everywhere since she had a memory was nowhere to be seen, but with her excitement, she did not notice the absence of her spirit guardian. Samantha hadn't been exactly on time for the festival so people were already dancing, eating, and having fun. Photographers were all over the place taking photos to document the event for the years to come.

Samantha walked directly towards the dance floor that had some fancy lighting over it as it was already dark. The night seemed cheerful and full of life as humans enjoyed themselves responsibly in the festival. The best of the festival was just about to start. 

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