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She woke up in a very comfy bed. She found herself laying on her side with her legs intertwined with someone else's. She made eye contact right away.

He smiled sweetly with his eyes reflecting pure love. "Hi there, my precious Buttercup."

She giggled at his words as her face was heating up even though she didn't fully realize it. 

Time had gone by, but she didn't know it. For her, she had just taken a nap and now she was awake once again. For him, the time had been passing by so agonizingly slow as he waited for his true love to come back to his arms. 

He raised his hand to cup her face with a smile on his face. She snuggled closer to him as his body radiated warmth. A much-needed warmth for her at that moment. 

There was a little euphoric feeling growing inside of him as she still had the necklace he gave her on. She took it off for Jin to analyze it, but she had put it on back once the vampire gave it back. She could have just taken it off and leave it somewhere safe, but it was there, still hanging on her neck. 

He had a new piece of jewelry for her, but he wasn't sure if it was the right time to give it to her. 

He took her in his arms before he stood up with her carrying her in bridal style. Her puffy dress looked flawless, but his attention was not on her appearance, his attention was on her emotions and reactions, those were the ones that truly captivated him. Sure, Buttercup was breathtaking, but the beauty she had on the inside was on another level. 

Buttercup could have followed him, but she was his queen, and thus he was going to treat her like such. Queens don't walk, they have people to do that for them...

She looked around the place curiously as her arms looped around Yugyeom's neck.

The outside of their bedroom was not cold anymore as his heart was warming up more and more as she accompanied him. There were many abstract paintings hanging in the hallway in which Yugyeom was walking. Many doors were on the side of the hallway, and for some reason, Buttercup knew right away that those were just bedrooms. On the end of the hallways was a window that occupied the entire wall. It was night outside with no evidence of the sun ever showing up. There was still not any type of light, but she didn't need it as her eyes were good with the darkness. 

Yugyeom walked outside the palace to be in the gardens. Even if it was dark outside, Buttercup could see what type of plants were around. In the middle of the gardens was a statue of Yugyeom... for some reason, she felt like something was missing... a very important detail but she didn't know what as the statue seemed to be completed and had Yugyeom's face details perfectly on it.  He had a crown and was wearing a royal suit with a large cape that left clear his status. The shinigami passed by the statue without paying any attention to it. Around the statue was a bench that was facing a little lake that had black swans in it peacefully swimming. Swans usually mate for life...

Yugyeom sat on the bench with her on his lap. He intertwined his fingers with hers as both of them looked at each other. In his eyes appeared a sparkle of pure joy as her little hand was in his. Slowly but steadily, the sun started to come out, giving place to the light. The sun was not going to affect her at all as it wasn't a real sun... it was just the light within him that was coming as his emotions were enlightening.

What was this funny feeling within her? She had it in all the memories she could remember, the first memory with it was the one being in that dark place scared until Yugyeom appeared by her side. What was that place anyway? She wanted to return there, but not alone. 

"Buttercup," Yugyeom called in a whisper. She was already looking into his eyes, but now he had her full attention. "Do you wanna leave?"

Her eyes widened. "Leave? nuh... why would I want to? You are so warm!" She said snuggling even closer to the shinigami.

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