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It had been an impulse... one on a whole new level.

How had she finished here doing this along with the princess? Was she even going to find what she believed was hidden within the forest that had claimed the old Mayan-Pipil city?

Her mind was a big blur and she couldn't focus on anything other than digging.

Those three skeletons were somewhere in a chamber tomb burial. She had seen it...

Her entire body was shaking as she was doing something highly illegal and immoral that had no name.. something absolutely terrible. If someone was to know what had happened, her entire world could crumble into pieces and she would deserve all of it. She knew it, yet she was here because she had to see it for herself. Her mind wasn't what it used to be, it had been corrupted.

She had to see one of her past selves... the one that started everything. The newborn vampiress couldn't see any ghosts around like the first time she was there, so she wasn't sure it was the right place. Or maybe the spirits around were just too furious.

She had dragged the princess into the place where once an important Mayan city stood. The city was long forgotten because after the Spanish conquerors claimed territory, the Mayans would soon leave their lands as the years went by. This city was forgotten in time as everyone stopped caring.

Both the princess and she dug through the nature that had claimed the city. How had she convinced the princess about this? Well... she didn't have to as seconds after having the vision, the princess knew she had seen something and asked curiously what had happened.

Apparently, both of them were up for some illegal wrongdoings.

"Pepper... do you know what happened here?" The newborn vampiress addressed the princess by her name as she had been asked to.

"Yes..." the princess said barely over a whisper as she was still focused on seeing the past. "A man and two women are buried right under us. A happy couple that was separated by death and the mother of the woman. Everyone was human."

They had been digging up for about an hour, but with their speed, Pepper's shovel soon hit something. Rock.

Their burial chamber had been made of rock. The Mayans in the site had been dug up a hole big enough to fit an entire house, and then they started to cover the place with rocks to create a chamber under the ground. The first body to go into the chamber was Aketzali's mother when the time came. After her mother, her husband was next, and lastly one year after her husband, the chamber was opened one last time to put her to rest with her beloved human husband and mother. The chamber remained sealed ever since... until now.

The two vampiresses started to carefully take every rock out making sure to not damage them. Their work was heavy but both of them had a strong curiosity that fueled their energy to do such dark labor.

After removing two layers of rocks, they were finally able to see the three skeletons laying peacefully on petates... just like it was the Mayan tradition in the area.

"So... who are they?" Pepper asked. The princess knew who they were, but wasn't sure of the relationship between them to the newborn vampiress. She could use her gift to know, but she didn't feel like it was her place.

The newborn vampiress sat on the floor centimeters away from the entrance to the chamber. She could see the three skeletons perfectly from where she was.

"They... they are my relatives from my father's side..." Pepper's gaze was set over the newborn and not over the skeletons, unlike Y/N's gaze. "I... one of them had my soul before."

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