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The vampiress was sitting across Yoongi's lap with his wrist in her mouth. The vampire's heart fluttered as both of them bonded through a very simple gesture... feeding.

The nest was out doing different things but Yoongi had stayed with Y/N. The vampiress didn't want to go outside as it was too painful. Every time the clock ticks somebody dies, and if that somebody was around the area the vampiress was around, she would start to freak out. Not because someone was dying, but because she needed to go with them, even if all of them were strangers to her, it didn't matter.

Chan and Felix had come to drop the book they promised to bring yesterday, but they couldn't stay as they had things to do back in their nest. There was the promise from Felix to Y/N to come back.

The antique photos were in a room no one ever went to, a bedroom at the end of the long hallway in the castle. The ghosts were nowhere to be seen, but the girl was scared that if she went inside that room was again, she would have a new panic attack.

She had been told that she started to have a horrible panic attack. These last three years, all her soulmates would have seen her having bad panic attacks every week at night, but this one had been the worse out of all. Usually, it was enough for them to cuddle with her to calm her down, but in this one, nothing of that worked. She didn't come back to reality until Jin had lost his mind, he had started to scream her name in whispers as he couldn't wake up her parents. If she had continued panicking for one more minute, Jin had already prepared everything to go back to the nest's house. The nest's house was a safe place for nestlings... safer than anywhere else, even her parents' house.

She softly let go of Yoongi's wrist as she was done feeding. She licked the blood around her lips as she watched Yoongi's two little wounds heal in seconds in front of her. It always amazed her how vampires healed themselves so effectively, it sometimes made her forget that she was also a vampire. That part of her that still thought like a human was strongly present in her mind.

It was going to take a while for her to fully get used to her vampire status...

She turned around on Yoongi's lap to straddle him. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and Yoongi did the same. His nose was right over her mark, making shivers go down her spine. The feeling of being in his arms was beautiful to her. All her soulmates were able to soothe her even from the worst of her nightmares.

Goosebumps went down her back as Yoongi kissed her neck, right over the nest's mark. All of the vampires in the nest had the same, sensitive mark, but all of them seemed to take advantage of only her's. Her breathing became heavy as Yoongi started to leave a trail of kisses from her mark, up to her ear lobe. There was no space between them, yet Yoongi snaked his left arm around her waist to keep her as close as possible.

The vampire stared into her eyes with pure love. He might not be as skillful in expressing his true feelings as the rest of the vampires, but he made sure to express them in some type of way.

Her plump lips were strongly calling him. His thumb unconsciously moved over her lower lip to caress it with the pad of his finger ever so delicately. The vampiress closed her eyes as she enjoyed the intimate physical contact.

Yoongi sighed as he slowly leaned in towards her. When their noses touched, her heartbeat raced like crazy inside her chest. She couldn't control her feelings anymore, and she didn't want to. Their lips were mere centimeters apart... almost touching.

"Can I kiss you?" Yoongi asked in a whisper to the baby in his eyes.

Y/N felt her entire face and ears heat up as soon as Yoongi had finished asking a big question. With his lips so close to her, how could she say no?

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