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Jin left a shaky breath out as he read once again the letter that had arrived hours ago. He had been trying to delay this moment as much as he could, but there was no way he could delay it any longer.

The elder vampire walked to her room where he was sure he was going to find her, hiding from everything and nothing at the same time.

Sometimes, the entire nest thought that it had been a terrible idea to turn her into a vampire... there is a way of making humans immortal... and they had the resources for that. But if she was just a human, she wouldn't feel the bond all the seven of them had as they were vampires. At least, she never put any type of blame on them, heck she didn't even think like that, it was just her soulmates that were suffering from everything she was going through with her vampiric talent.

The vampiress had decided to return to knitting. She wasn't the best at it, and less now that she lacked practice, but she was picking it back quick, and with her supernatural speed, she knitted way faster.

The elder knocked on the door before he softly opened it. The black room was dark, the only light coming was from a lamp on the nightstand. She had more artificial light in the room, but she preferred the darkness as always. Her room had no windows for safety, but Jin was never planning on putting one as he already knew her.

The vampire held the letter in his hands as he walked towards her. Her gaze pinned on him as her hands continue to move with the muscle memory continuing the knitting.

The vampire society was complex, and every vampire had to understand it completely in order to survive. There were the "normies" that were just the commoners, the ones no one really cared about as they don't stand out, and then there is the elite and royalty. The elite is characterized by strong vampires that have multiple talents, they are usually better in every aspect than the normies; a normie can become elite by studying and practicing. The highest rank in the society is a member of the royalty. The royalty was a direct family of the first vampire in history, but also a vampire can marry-into-royalty, or a vampire turned by a royal vampire become royalty as they had the first vampire's blood running through their veins.

Y/N just happened to be turned by a royal vampire... one that was a direct descendant of the first vampire ever.

The vampire royalty was just as expected, a nightmare to be around. They judged everything and did not let any detail slip out of their attention. Every time a new vampire joins the royalty, a reunion must be held in order for the members of the rank to either accept the vampire or reject them.

If the rejection was to happen, death is the penalty... and killing a vampire is very tedious and painful for the victim.

The vampiress let her needles down on the nightstand to look at the ethereal man in front of her.

Jin sat on her bed and she quickly positioned herself on his lap, kind of like a cat in search of cuddles. Smiling, the prince looped his arms around her to have her as close as possible. She noticed that Jin smelled so wonderful. It wasn't the typical vanilla smell, but rather he had a pine scent that reminded her of the forests of Oregon, the place that had changed her life.

Jin took a deep breath before he decided to speak. He made sure his voice was steady and calm. "Baby... soon you'll have to meet the vampiric royalty..." he said in a low voice, making sure to have his baby soulmate tight in his arms.

She was scared of the idea, but at the same time, the vampiress knew she had it coming. It was just a matter of time before she had to face the real vampiric society. As a former human, she didn't know nor understood much of it, she barely knew about it, just like every other human. Vampires were the most secretive out of all the creatures. No outsider understood why they were like that, but it was better to let them be instead of bothering them.

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