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"She's waking up!" A male voice squealed.

"Ssh! Tae, she might have a migraine."

The now vampiress could hear faint voices on the back of her mind. Everything felt blurry, but nothing hurt. Y/N could tell that something was different, and this time it wasn't because she had become more mature, this time she was physically and mentally different... she was no longer a human.

A question started to bother her out of nowhere. The vampiress didn't know where it came from, but it seemed as it was not going to leave her alone until she found an answer.

Who am I?

A question that seemed to have an easy answer, but in reality, it was deep down where she was searching the answer. She had lost her identity as a human and now she needed to find her new identity as a vampiress to give her mind a rest.

She slowly opened her eyes. Thankfully, there was no natural light, just a dim light of a lamp that had been turned on next to the bed. She took a deep breath of air to get her body going.

Her body was a bit cramped as she was in the same position for a long time, but a good stretch would make things better.

When her eyes finally opened, she found seven pairs of eyes staring at her fondly. They were all wearing different clothes than the ones she remembered, but she knew she could have slept for a few days.

Yoongi sat down in front of her to grab her delicate (and now very pale) hand. She still had that brown skin tone somewhere but it had been overpowered by the characteristic like-dead-pale. Her hair had become shinier but her favorite shade of brown was still there.

She could sense them now... she could feel what they were feeling if she wanted, but most importantly, she could now talk through the bond-link with her soulmates and Taemin.

"How long was I sleeping?" She asked with a raspy voice.

Yoongi smiled. "You slept for an entire week." He caressed her cheek softly as he was feeling happier than ever.

She noticed Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook look at each other challenging before all of them ran towards her.

Jungkook was the one to win the weird little race. Yoongi chuckled before he let Jungkook take Y/N in his arms. She had her back resting over his chest in a sitting position feeling like a toddler as Jungkook bite his wrist to open a little wound and then offered to the newborn vampiress.

Her mouth watered as she saw the blood. She took his wrist to her mouth right away shutting her eyes in the process. All the other six soulmates hugged each other happily and shared some kisses in the heat of the moment as they all had a new feeling within them.

All these centuries they had been happy, but deep down in their hearts, they mourned every day that they were only seven. With her soul now joining them, the nest was complete.

Y/N drank Jungkook's blood that was just as good as Jin's. She wasn't sure for how long she had drunk, but when she was done, she felt great.

She kissed Jungkook's cheek as thanks, making the bunny giggle.

Taehyung excitedly handed her a hand-mirror for her to look at her eyes. She gulped down nervously before she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her brown eyes, the eyes that represented the riches of her lands were gone. The vampiress knew it was going to happen, but she couldn't help but mourn the loss of her precious eyes. Red eyes were now staring at her, the eyes of a creature of the night.

Her eyes widened as the reflection in the mirror changed to a different face. She frowned as she looked closer into the mirror. There was someone else in the mirror staring calmly at her...

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