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Away from her homeland, everything was so different for her. Y/N didn't know all of it, but half of her lineage had already escaped their homeland once to the Americas. A native and a conqueror were not a good match in the public eyes back then, yet things happen. Y/N along with almost her entire country was the living reminder of that. She couldn't help but think how did her ancestors that lived here for thousands of years prior, lost their culture so easily... that is from both sides. Her DNA test was interesting. 

She looked at the laptop intently as her orbs scanned the information in front of her.

There was a noise coming from the window. She frowned for a second until she saw a beautiful white-flying squirrel on the edge of the window on the other side. Y/N smiled as Sunshine was staring at her. She stood up to carefully open the window. Sunshine ran to her, extending his arms, he flew to her shoulder in a straight line. Y/N giggled at the supernatural abilities of her friend. Sunshine could fly, but not like normal flying squirrels, he flew whenever and wherever he wanted.

Y/N delicately out her hand in front of the squirrel. Sunshine moved to her hand right away. She went back to sit in front of her desk with Sunshine in her hand. Both of them looked at the results, she wasn't sure if Sunshine could understand what was on the screen but whatever. 

There was a lot but her eyes remained focused on the European section. Her last name was Sephardic Jewish, yet she was sure her family stopped being Jewish in religion a long time ago. Her DNA showed that she had...

Y/N wondered what her identity was... you know, typical teenage problems that just make her mind a mess of hormones and emotions. All she knew was that after so many generations of families that have existed before her, she must have family all around the globe even though they might not even show as her family anymore.

The ticking of her clock on the wall just made the idea heavily stick in her head. Cultures get lost through time... or changed. Once again, just like her European ancestors, she had migrated to a better place... did it feel like it? Most of the time. Y/N could only hope her lineage would not have to be forced to migrate once again in a couple of hundred years...

 Sunshine squeaked out of nowhere, startling Y/N. She looked down at the squirrel she had not paid too much attention to. With an apologetic smile, she rubbed her cheeks against Sunshine's tiny head. 

"Sorry, Sunshine. I'm just so confused about what happened in the past... the past I did not see, obviously." She chuckled.

She knew there was no point in thinking about, what happened happened and there was nothing she could do about it... but still, her curiosity was way too big for her tiny self. Most of the time she could control her anxiety of learning, but other times she just had to get answers...

She hated it. 

Y/N gave tiny kisses to the squirrel all over without worries. Sunshine was her spirit-guardian, there was nothing to be afraid of. The squirrel had never threatened her in any way... only other people. 

Steps echoed on the tiny hall. Y/N's eyes widened like plates as she looked down at herself. Someone was still in pajamas. With Sunshine in her left hand secure, she turned off her laptop. She ran to her wardrobe to look for it. Thankfully, it only took her ten seconds before she found her denim overall shorts. 

"Sunshine, give me a second please?" She pleaded as she put her hand over the desk for Sunshine to go from her palm to the desk. The squirrel looked at her clearly disappointed before he obliged. 

Y/N untied the knot of her sweatpants quickly, she pulled them down and then hopped out of them. Deciding to use the same shirt, she slid up her shorts. She put the bands over her shoulder to straighten the upper part. 

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