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The world seemed to be turning darker every second, but she found that soothing, as always.

She was hugging the vulture as she was peacefully sitting on Jimin's lap as Felix, Namjoon, and Jin were searching for any type of information about spirit guardians. The topic of her talent had been pushed aside for the time being as they needed to find out why a vulture, out of all animals had come to her because as far as they knew, she was not in any danger.

A soft song played inside her head but nobody else could hear, just her faintly playing on the back of her head. Y/N loved music so much that she had this skill ever since she was little. All it took for her was to listen to a favorite song for continuous hours until it was memorized... every detail about the song.

The vampiress was born with a great memory. Her first memories were from very early in her life, most humans have a bad memory but even if she used to be a human, her memory was something to not be questioned.

The vampires were worried about her, but she didn't want to worry. She knew whatever was happening to her was bad and questionable, but someone had to remain calm, and she didn't want Jin to have to carry this weight over his thankfully broad shoulders, he already had too much on his plate.

All windows were covered with thick curtains but all the lights were on. Her eyes were turning cloudy again, but she was not being tormented by her mind... she was just in a state of mind in which she was nowhere... a limbo between worlds. Where the light and darkness met amicably as they were not enemies, but rather partners in crime.

No one else was able to see the silhouette that had appeared in front of her, the vampiress knew that right away as Felix was still focused on a book.

A silent sigh left her lips as she looked at the silhouette. It was human, yet she couldn't tell if it was male or female or something in between or even none of them. It was just a human silhouette that made goosebumps go down her spine.

For some reason, she did not feel the need to open her lips to talk, so she used thoughts to communicate with the entity.

"Who are you?" Her thoughts asked as her eyes were pinned on the shadow over the wall.

"My name is Tonomi," a weird yet not scary voice answered inside her head. "I am the shinigami monarch." This time, her own voice inside her head was used to voice the answer, but it did not startle her.

She remained unfazed. Even though she could not assume anything about the shadow, by the tone of voice that was used in her mind she could tell at least the shadow did not have any bad intentions for now.

"Why are you here?" Y/N thought as curiosity was filling her insides and the craving of getting the pieces of yet a new puzzle into place grew with every passing second.

There was something about the shinigami that made her feel peace... it wasn't the same she felt when she was with her soulmates as the feeling was faint, but it stopped her from freaking out and screaming.

"You seem lost, and I don't blame you," her voice answered her in the sweetest way possible. Tingles went from the top of her head to her toes, but it wasn't a bad feeling. "I'm here to help. There is one big question I must answer if you make it."

The vampiress held in her breath as finally, she could get an important answer. She knew her question was specific and that the shinigami already knew it, but she was going to think it once again like she did multiple times back in her room.

"Why was I given this talent?" She asked with a rather desperate thought.

Unlike before, her answer did not come right away. She was greeted with silence... a silence that made her eyes crystalize for some weird reason. She sighed as she patiently waited, she was not going to press the question on the shinigami.

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