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Three days had gone by. Other than the princess being on mandatory rest, everything was normal. The newborn vampiress hadn't had any comas, she hadn't slept at all but that was because of her vampire side, she was developing and her body was now fully accepting her new nature. She was still going to be a newborn vampiress for a couple of years, but she was in a new phase of growth now. Her other powers were going to show up soon and they might soon discover another talent as well. 

Y/N was wearing something simple on the hot day of summer. A crop top and high-waisted shorts with sandals. A knitted hairband she had finished just moments ago was on her head keeping her hair in place.

Cute bunny noises called her attention, drawing her back to reality after a long time. There he was, Coocky was demanding cuddles. Y/N silently giggled as she took the cute bunny in her hands. She placed the bunny over her heart with his head resting on her shoulder as she caressed his head and back. Cooky happily stood still as he got pets.

As she was just petting Cooky, she felt a weird tingling in her left eye. It was barely there, so the newborn vampire considered the possibility of her just imagining it.  Her brows knitted together as her vision became blurry yet she did not feel dizzy, she wasn't losing consciousness... it was something else. Her hands moved automatically over the bunny, she stopped thinking about the repetitive movement as her mind drifted away from her reality.

The world was definitely too small for her. The 50s were definitely the best years for her. She was young, the war was over and the economy was blooming. With a Jewish last name she wasn't sure where it had come from, she was ready to change it. Marriage was already in her head.

She was so full of life. A genuine smile was always on her face as she walked around the city. There was a lot of werewolves in town that day, but she being a human was nothing but excited for the festival that was next week.

The day was perfect. It was sunny but there was a little cool wind. Many people were outside enjoying the day, making the city appear full of life as she walked by. There was a special bounce on her walking that made her look like a very cheerful person, which she was. 

In her big bag was the vogue knitting magazine of the year along with some sewing patterns for which she wanted to get the perfect fabric.

As she gracefully walked around, there was a little moth following her around. The moth was what she assumed her spirit guardian. 

The hits of the moment were playing at the record store right next to where her destination was, she couldn't help but dance. The song was "Mr. Sandman" by The Chordettes. That song was her whole mood as just like the song said, she felt so lonely and just wanted to meet her soulmate. She went inside JOANN, the favorite craft store of the entire city. The song followed her until she was inside the store. The song stopped as soon as the door was closed, yet her mood was already bright. The shinigami followed her around since her very first day of life. 

Her soul was once a Mayan-Pipil native, and now centuries later she was an American from a family that once were founders of the city she was now walking around. Her background was Spanish, but as time had gone by, it had gotten lost with the many English descendants from the place she now called home. The only thing she had left was the Sephardic-Jewish last name that was not going to follow her around for long as she longed for love.

"Margaret!" The smiling lady greeted as she stopped dancing.

"Samantha!" Margaret, the owner of the store greeted cheerfully. "It's been so long since I last saw you!'"

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