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Once again, the human girl had woken up way too early, but the storm inside her made things fussy. She stood in front of the mirror as she analyzed herself. Her dark brown orbs stared right back at her. Her long hair was falling loosely over her back as always... but it wasn't messy. She had the same face, yet she did not feel like the same person. She was on that stage in which one does not feel anything at all for a couple of hours. She assumed her brain was still 'computing' the sudden change in mindset she had out of nowhere.

It had been hours since she had awoken, yet the sun was barely out. Y/N was never a morning person, yet here she was, up since early in the morning... not feeling dead but she was certainly not feeling too alive.

She got out of her room alone. None of her spirit-guardians had shown up today. On a normal day, she would be crying her eyeballs out thinking they hated her, but now, she did feel terribly sad, but it wasn't going to stop her from completing her day. She had a graduation to attend. It was not going to be fun and she just wanted to get over with this. The only good part would be that her high school gives diplomas in ranking order and not in alphabetical order... that was the only part she couldn't wait for.

People say that many spirit guardians leave the person they take care of when there is not any danger left for them (usually all their childhood). Is this what was going to happen to her? Now that she was graduating and about to turn eighteen, she was not a kid anymore.

She was just glad that she showed them her love every time she could, she had no regrets.

She went downstairs. The typical scratching sound coming from the door was nowhere. When she opened that door, there would be no one. Y/N sat down on the couch alone as her parents were still sleeping. A small smile formed on her face as memories of her childhood with her spirit guardians flashed through her mind.

They all had played with her, made her feel better when she cried (a lot), and just be there with her when she felt like she was alone in this world.

The human girl took a deep breath before she stood up from the couch. She walked towards the kitchen with her slipper socks muffling her steps. Her parents were soon to wake up as she better start to get ready for the graduation.

Taemin and her were thankfully going to attend the same university, that was enough for her. What was going to be of the rest of her classmates? She did not care, it had been a while since she stopped trying to get her 'friends' on the right path.

Once she was in the kitchen, she opened the package of chocolate cookies that were on the counter, the human girl grabbed four cookies and then shoved all of them inside her mouth with a bit of anxiety.

She had to get ready. Her graduation gown and graduate cap were waiting for her.

With her mouth full of cookies, she ran back upstairs to get ready with her heart pounding inside her chest.

The graduation was going to be boring, but she couldn't wait for the moment the school announced the final ranking. Y/N had been first in her class ever since the start but she never said it out loud, only Taemin knew as he was always looking at her stuff just like she did... best friend things.

Also... there was going to be a scholarship awarded to the first, second, and third in the ranking... or the highest on the ranking that confirmed going to university/college. Y/N was definitely going to need it even though she had already a full scholarship from her university. There are always extra expenses.


Her parents were taking photos of their daughter nonstop as she was just sitting there, being one more of the group of the class. The gym was decorated with blue, white, and gold decorations as those were the school's colors. The human girl thought she was going to be unbothered about this, but in reality, she was on the verge of tears the entire time.

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