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They felt as if the air stopped going to their lungs no matter how much air they felt to take in through their mouth and nose. 

Their baby soulmate's eye had changed, and that after the dangerous shinigami had shown themselves. Flashbacks of what felt to be an ancient past played in their minds as the panic started to fill the room.

The vampiress didn't know what was going on, she felt emotionless. No more happiness nor sadness. Her heart didn't flutter at the single view of any of her soulmates... she felt indifferent. She loved them, she knew that, yet she couldn't feel it as she used to. Her love felt just assumed and not real.

She was in her room, so all it took for her was to reach right next to her to the nightstand to take her two straight bamboo needles and the yarn to start to knit again. She did not think about it much, her hands were just automatically moving. 

"Stand." A voice sweetly whispered inside her mind as she knitted.

With no power over herself anymore, the vampiress slowly sat over the edge of the bed.

"Baby?" Jungkook asked before leaning in front of her to catch her attention.

She did not answer. Her eyes were empty and all her movements were robotic.

"Walk outside the room." The same sweet voice whispered. The tone used was making all her trust follow whatever it was. Even if she wanted, she couldn't give much thought to what she was going through. She had no power over herself anymore.

"I need air," she said barely over a whisper as she suddenly felt overwhelmed by her soulmates. The vampires watched carefully over her for any more weird signs. The change in her left eye seemed to be the most obvious sign, but they all could tell right away she was not good. Y/N would never look at them indifferently... that made their hearts ache. 

Her long hair swung side to side as she robotically walked towards the living room where her new needles had been forgotten. The trance she was in broke for a mere minute, one in which she was standing in front of a mirror. She leaned in closer, noticing her black iris. Her thoughts were clouded so she did not give much thought. After a minute, she went back to walking to get her new needles, the only act out of the trance. 

The living room had all the lights off as no one was there, yet she could see perfectly as she was used to it. She took the metal needles from the table that were once again back in their case. With the case in hand, there was a new command. 

"Get out of the castle. Don't let them follow." And that's exactly what she did. With her mastered sneakiness, her soulmates were tricked.

She had to go to the highest point of the castle, to an abandoned tower on the side. She was around on the 20th floor is there was an elevator to get there. With her vampiric speed, she was quickly on the top. There was not much at the top really, just a hole of where a window should be, big enough for an archer to shoot someone on the entrance of the castle. 


It was too high, she didn't have the skill, but still, she did not think about it. She jumped into danger. 

A little voice inside her head screamed in horror as the ground was getting closer and closer and she was not going to be able to get in the right position to land. And even if she landed on her feet, she was still weak as she was a newborn. Nothing good was going to result from this. 

"Y/N!" A horrified Namjoon screamed from meters away as he wasn't anywhere near the tower.

Watching their baby soulmate falling from high up was a traumatic sight, but they didn't have the luxury to just observe. 

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