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Her quill fell onto her desk rather drastically. After one last point, she was done. Her imprisonment was over, and just in time.

The vampires now possessed an entire library with all the answers everyone looked for. The thing was... that having this knowledge gave the vampires unmeasurable power over everyone. The vampire king, the reigning monarch that has seen it all and lived through everything possible was not ready for what was coming. 

It had been almost two centuries since the princess had been unofficially imprisoned in the library which in reality seem like a prison built especially for her. She hadn't been allowed to spend much time with her soulmates. She had missed so many things in life and moments to enjoy with all her lovers. 

They all had grown up together as royalty, although she was always a higher elite. Knowing they all were soulmates since the very start when Pepper was dragged inside that office was the moment all her soulmates felt like a big part of them had died. The Kim Coven was not the only royal vampire nest with a rather dramatic story to tell.

But she was out now, after so long. She had been allowed out of the library a couple of times, those three days she spent with Y/N had been one of the most special memories that were hers to call her own. 

The moment she opened the door, she found Chan standing outside looking towards where the door was longingly into the nothingness before he snapped.

"P-Pepper baby?"

Her heart hammered inside her chest as the princess searched for the words to explain it all, but she couldn't. Every tiny word she could think all would get stuck in her throat. Her eyes crystallized, and that's when alarms went off in eight different heads. 

She was considered very young, although she wasn't the youngest anymore in the vampire royalty. But even with her short age, she had seen everything possible. She had the knowledge of the entire world. The secrets that had been safely kept by the world's elite were in her head. She knew it all.

Humans would kill to have that knowledge... quite literally. Wolves would decapitate anyone just to get to it. And vampires would poison everyone they would need to be able to infiltrate. 

But getting to the biggest library ever known should not be the world's concern. The concern should be that monster that had been created and now free.


She felt freaking weak. Her eyelids were heavy and Jimin's arms were too comfy to leave. Y/n had decided to finally take her wedding dress off now that she was more in this realm rather than in that dreamy realm she had gotten into. She was wearing her hand-knitted sweater along with her favorite sweatpants, the clothes she had seen herself wearing early. For some reason, this sweater made from the yarn RJ/Jin had given her soothed her.

As she laid in Jimin's arms, Jin checked her temperature by putting the back of his right hand softly over her forehead. A soft smile appeared on his face as he noticed that with the cuddles and the proper rest his baby had gotten, she was finally good, although she should continue resting as it was obvious she was still weak from the full transformation. 

With everything that had happened ever since she joined the nest, all the guys recognized that they hadn't had time to bond properly at all. They hadn't been able to go out on dates, show her their favorite places, shower her with love properly... especially, none of them had been able to properly help her get through any of her new abilities as a vampire. The sorrow was heavier on the Hyung line as it was their duty to look after her in every way, but they felt like they had failed miserably. They just hoped it wasn't too late to make up for the lost time.

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