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Her life was weird... that was a FACT. Y/N felt weird as she opened the front door ready to go to school. Her schoolbag was in her locker so she was just carrying her earphones and phone with her.

The image of those two handsome vampires as hell was not leaving her mind any time soon. Why did she feel tingles as they touched her? Why did they look at her like that...? Why did they even talk to her?

It had been about twenty hours ago, but still, she couldn't get them out of her mind no matter what she did. 

"I'm sorry to bother," SeokJin had said. "But do you know where the raspberry crops are?" 

Y/N had just pointed towards the raspberry crops, unable to speak. The two vampires had given her the most beautiful smiles she had ever seen in her life before they used their vampire speed to go towards where she had pointed. After that, they disappeared...

She thankfully came to her senses as she spotted the cutest grey ball ever in front of her. The girl cooed as she picked up the koala. Koya looked at her with his eyes full of love as he clung to her body.

A grin spread across her face as she lifted the koala from her leg to take him into her arms. 

"Hi, Koya!" She greeted as she started to walk outside towards the school. 

The koala made a loud yip in greeting seconds before he leaned his head over her chest. The girl couldn't help but shower the koala with kisses as she walked forward. Koya enjoyed every second of it.

For once, Y/N was wearing a bra as she was wearing a dress and sandals. Her hair was let loose over her back as she walked. She crossed the street without problems and ended up right on the school campus. 

Even if it was Monday, today was the last day all seniors would show up. Senioritis had been a significant problem this year, even Y/N was thinking about skipping school 'till the end after today. It's not like it mattered anymore, she only had three classes. She loved her first period of classes, but the other two were taught by the teachers she hated the most; the worse part if that both of them were married. How convenient, they hate kids just as much. Their only son was her classmate. 

The door of the school was opened for her by the librarian. "Goodmorning honey," the old lady greeted sweetly as always. 

"Goodmorning," Y/N answered back grinning. Even if she had kind of a twisted mind, the old lady had won her heart from the first day of high school.

"Y/N! Finally, you are here!" A female cheerful voice greeted. Her favorite teacher ever.

"Mrs. Johnson!"

"Come on! Let's go! We are having a party in the leadership/yearbook class for seniors!" 

Her heart raced inside her chest as it hit her more than ever. She was a senior now, not a student that was hearing about seniors leaving." 

"Taemin!" Mrs. Johnson called to the boy taking things out of his locker. "Party time!" 

Taemin got his head out of his locker. The young vampire made eye-contact with Y/N right away. The vampire silently followed the two humans towards the classroom. Koya's eyes pinned over Taemin as he didn't trust the vampire too close to her. The tension between her best friend and her spirit-guardians had started the day they both met, on the first day of school back in 9th grade... literally the first day of high school ever.

All of them went inside the classroom to find just about everyone already there. "Y/N! Taemin! You guys are leaving!" Somi, a year younger whined. Her affection was way more towards Y/N, but now that Taemin the introvert happened to be there...

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