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It had been an entire day after the incident with the werewolf, but finally, the nest was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Help was on its way.

Y/N waited outside the official entrance of the nest clinging to Jin's arm. The rest of the coven was inside preparing everything for the guests.

Two members from a coven that called themselves "Stray Kids" were coming. One was the member with the ability of the dead and the other one was the leader of the coven. They were well acquainted with Bangtan so it was going to be a pleasant reunion of two covens. It had been a couple of decades since the covens reunited so there was a lot to get caught up with. But first, they were going to figure the difference between ability and talent.

The vampiress was amused as now, she could feel two new presence approaching. When she was a human, she could not sense anyone nor anything. She was just beginning to discover the extent of her common powers.

In a blink, two figures stopped in front of them. A black fog was around them for a couple of seconds as they came running from god knows where. As the fog started to dissipate in the lighting of a post light over them, she was finally able to look at the newcomers.

Both of them bowed to Jin and then turned to bow at her. Jin and the vampiress bowed back right away.

"You must be Y/N," one of the boys said with an amicable smile on his face that lightened his eyes. "I'm Bang Chan, the leader of our nest, but just call me Chan."

"And I'm Lee Felix," a boy with a deep voice said smiling cutely. His freckles were something that Y/N realized right away.

She smiled as both of them were so polite and friendly. The vampiress was nervous about this encounter as she didn't know what to expect, but now she was calm. The vampires in front of her were way more different from the vampires she grew up seeing back in her third-world country.

As her father was a successful businessman, he would always make her come with her to learn about the profession. Many of the people with whom her father had business were vampires. Even if she was little, they were very scary and cynical about everything. Her father would always work meticulously to make sure everything was perfect... with vampires, a single mistake could be catastrophic.

Jin smiled softly. "Why don't we go inside? The rest of the coven is there."

The big doors made out of thick wood opened as Jin pushed them. Y/N walked right behind him with the guests going last.

The six vampires were already waiting in the living room with sweets and snacks Jin had prepared.

Y/N hadn't tried Jin's cooking yet as all she wanted was blood, blood, and more blood but now that her body was getting used to the change, it was time to try the best of the vampire cuisine.

Yoongi patted his lap for the vampiress to sit. With a flushed face, the girl shyly walked towards him and then sat in his lap. Yoongi looped his arms around her waist to keep her close. Felix and Chan sat on the same sofa as Namjoon. Two old books were over the side table next to where Namjoon was sitting along with a lot of loose papers and a pen so he could take notes if necessary. No one knew where to start this peculiar conversation, but there was time.

Yoongi picked up a chocolate cupcake that Jin had decorated Y/N's favorite color, black. He did not give it to her but instead took it closer to her mouth. The vampiress opened her mouth out of instinct, with a heart full of love, he gave her a bite of the delicious cupcake. The cupcake had a creamy fill, the iron flavor was sensed by her tongue right away. For a human, this cupcake would be horrible, but for her new taste buds, the filling was heaven. Jin had mixed both worlds into one recipe and the vampiress suddenly felt like she was in heaven. Taehyung sitting next to Yoongi smiled as he watched Y/N enjoy the food. Everyone in the coven started to coo at her cuteness overload.

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