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Jungkook was the first one to get to her. Tears had been welling up in his eyes as he watched her fall from the window, but now everything was worse and nothing was going to be okay.

He kneeled right next to her with tears freely running down his cheeks. The rest of the nest soon joined him. No one moved her until Jin and Namjoon arrived as they could hurt her even more.

Her heart rate was dangerously low as if her heart would stop at any second. Her body became colder as the clock ticked. Her eye didn't make any try of opening nor her body sent a single signal of consciousness. 

The emptiness they had felt for so long was back in their hearts. Sorrow filled them as uncertainty, the worst feeling ever was once again taking over the nest. Their home was broken, and they didn't know exactly why.

Why had she jumped? Why did she want to leave them? What had they done wrong?

Jin and Namjoon were quickly on the spot with what they thought was the necessary equipment to treat her wounds from the fall. 

To the great surprise of everyone, she was not harmed in any way. Through their nest-bond, they were able to conclude that she didn't have any type of internal wound. Everything was good... it was as if she was in a deep coma.

For the first time in so long, Jin and Namjoon broke down in front of everyone. Their worst nightmare was happening... they always feared the possibility of one of them getting badly hurt... without one of them they were missing one, and the fact that was their baby soulmate...

They just couldn't take it.

"W-what do we do?" Hoseok asked not bothering to stop his tears.

Taehyung's head hurt like hell because of how much he was crying, but that didn't stop him from thinking logically as this was about his soulmate. 

"We should seek help from the queen... they have accepted her already."

There was no discussion about it. Namjoon delicately picked up Y/N in his arms before Jin teleported all of them to the Royal Palace where they were going to be able to seek the right help they needed, even if they didn't know exactly what kind of help they needed to have their soulmate back.

Within seconds, they appeared at Jin's place within the palace. Namjoon put Y/N over the king-sized bed in the middle of the room while everyone else went in search of help.

The Royal Palace was usually deserted. The princess was confined to the library and thus, her soulmates were there too. The king and queen always closed themselves somewhere together when they were not needed and the rest of the royalty that was supposed to live in the palace didn't live there anymore as there was not much to do. Once the princess had left, the palace had become a gloomy place without any life. 

Even if no one publically said it, events like the one that was about to happen made every vampire feel less depressed.

Hoseok held Y/N cold and delicate hand in his trying to search for any sign of her ever waking up. This wasn't a fairy tale in which a kiss of true love was going to bring her back. This was the sad reality, and they didn't know what was to happen to her.


She looked down to herself curiously. She turned around just for fun as her puffy dress flew a little bit with the impulse. The crown over her head didn't move an inch though. 

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