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The two teenagers appeared on a bridge. There were at the coast... but at a zone far from they would usually go to visit the beach. There were no cars and the only living creatures that seemed to be there were the two of them. The sound of waves crashing to the shore filled the area creating a calming sound... but it could also be interpreted as a call. The moonlight hit the rather calm water making it glow. The view around them was breathtaking but she couldn't appreciate it one bit.

The hybrid's heart hammered inside her chest no matter what she tried to calm herself down. Seeing her soulmates had greatly affected her. Y/N hadn't been away from them for too long but all her accumulated guilt was attacking her yet again. 

Namjoon now knew... that was clear for the hybrid. Hobi's terrified gasp and the look of surprise and deep sadness that had flashed through Joon's eyes were enough to destroy her. 

It was happening. She had lost the little control she had over herself.

The hybrid regretted ever been born. 

She was not that angel everyone knew anymore. Y/N had stopped being that girl who followed her dad around like a daddy's girl everywhere. She was not that sweet girl every old lady would approach to talk to. Her own demons tormented her mind to the point in which she wanted everything an end to everything. Her thoughts were clouded by these mean voices that screamed at her to end it all. 

Taemin looked at her figure curled up in a little ball on the floor in shock before he finally snapped. He didn't care that she was covered in blood, he couldn't see her like this. He kneeled in front of her. The vampire grabbed her shoulders softly and then made her look at him.

"My princess..." he said calling her by her royal title in a sweet way. At this point, Y/N was just like his little sister he was going to protect with his life. "I know right now nothing seems right," the way Taemin talked reminded her of all of her soulmates soothing her. That gave her instant comfort. "But your search of answers will be worth it. You are not alone in this... I'm with you, and I'm sure someone else out there is with you as well." Pepper was with her too...

This felt just like the time both of them were trapped in a school shooting. Taemin had protected her with his life without thinking twice and had soothed her... he was doing the same thing right now. They were in clear imminent danger. Any of those killers could come to hunt them down, yet here he was hugging her like last time to make her feel better. 

Y/N took multiple deep breaths. Thankfully, her tears had been contained in her eyes so it was easier to compose herself. 

"Thank you Taemin..." she said barely over a whisper. 

The hybrid was exhausted. She was still a newborn vampire. She needed to drink blood but it wasn't an urgency yet. She also needed to have some good sleep like any other newborn vampire, but she had grown scared of sleeping.. She was not going to sleep, doing so now was the worst thing to do. Exhaustion and weakness were going to take a huge toll on her at some point.  

She remained in Taemin's arms for a couple of minutes before she closed her eyes. Her gut was telling her to go to a very specific place. She hoped Princess Pepper wouldn't mind...

Without saying anything, Y/N had teleported both of them into Pepper's secret treasure room where the photo of that man and Aketzali's skull were. 

The room was exactly like Y/N remembered. All the stolen and long-lost artifacts were in their places within the full darkness of the place. Taemin looked around with wide eyes as he didn't know where exactly they were, but Pepper's secret was still safe as Taemin didn't pay attention to the room, but rather to Y/N.

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