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Y/N cried as she had never done before, and everything was worse because she couldn't understand why she was crying. She did not scream nor kicked when it happened, she just had fallen on the floor silently sobbing and hadn't moved from there herself. 

After she had said that the moth would never harm her, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin had done something they were deeply regretting now that they were standing outside her room back in their castle. 

"HE WON'T HARM YOU?" Jin had screamed in full despair and had frightened Y/N to death as for the first time, he raised his voice in front of her... well, way more than that.

She opened her mouth to speak but she choked on her on tears that appeared out of nowhere. 

"Jin-" Hoseok tried to intervene, but Jin was too angry.

"NO!"  Jin protested as he was not going to stop.

Before they could move, the vampiress had taken the moth again in her hand making sure to not crush it. The moth was back to be between her palm and fingers, but it was far from enough. 

"Open your hand," Yoongi demanded.

The vampiress started to panic. She knew she was throwing some kind of weird silent tantrum, but she couldn't get herself to let the moth go, and it was even harder as she knew her soulmates were most likely to harm the little moth.

She did not move, only closed her eyes tightly not wanting to see what was going to happen next. 

Namjoon was the one to act next. He separated her hand from her heart and then took the moth away from her.

"I'm so sorry," Y/N sadly said to the moth, not to her soulmates.

What had happened to the moth? She did not dare to see, but one thing was for sure. The vulture was not happy with the events. She once again started to attack with her beak as she was flying. The air coming from her wings made the entire room a mess and tangled Y/N's hair, but she couldn't care less. 

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Jin screamed at the vulture before he muttered something under his breath that made both the vulture and the moth disappear out of thin air.

She was scared. The newborn vampiress could feel the anger through their bond and now she was afraid of even making a sound so she just cried silently like she would do before... back when she was a fragile human.

Yoongi quickly picked her up from the floor without many delicacies. She bit the inside of her cheek to not groan as his grip was too tight around her arm. Before she knew it, they were back at the nest.

The first thing she had done had been storm towards her room and close herself there. She did not slam the door or anything, but she was once again over the floor crying her eyeballs out.

It was very irrational for her. Why was she crying? She felt more stupid with each passing second as she was nowhere near stopping. Her emotions were uncontrollable, and for the first time, she did not have anything to cuddle with or someone who would distract her. Usually, her soulmates would distract her from her sadness, but now, she was alone.

With all the growing feelings inside her, her blood pressure lowered. Jin and Namjoon were standing outside the door freaking out as they sensed it. They needed to comfort their mate, their impulses were telling them to teleport through that door... but they doubted they would help after how harsh they had been with her.

Yoongi was already sitting on the floor with his head buried between his knees as he inconsolably cried.

The vampiress felt their sorrow and pain. She wanted to go to them but after everything she had caused. Everything was her fault. She scolded herself as she was supposed to make them happy, not bring them more suffering. She felt the guilt and regret of ever being born make a weight over her heart appear once again. She wanted to apologize to them but she was too much of a coward to face them.

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