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An intense pain manifested all over her head, there was no place pain-free, her shaking state was not helping either. Her eyelids felt heavy and she did not want to open them, but with the huge migraine taking over, there was no way for her to be able to go back to sleep. The pain was too big to ignore.

She wanted to die... not quite literally, but she was done with everything around her as the pain was not letting her think straight. 

The vampiress had not woken up on her own but rather been woken up by her sick-worried soulmates. 

Her eyes were not willingly open, but she was giving signs of being awake. A heavy sigh left her lips as she felt a strong chest serving as her bed. She was comfortably leaning over someone, most likely Namjoon as she fell asleep over him, but at this point, she wasn't sure. 

The world around her was blurry. She felt cold as hell and the migraine she had going on was making her life a living hell. Why did she get a migraine? Was it because of her dream...? Well, she knew it wasn't a dream, but rather a memory someone showed to her, most likely the shinigami so she would finally get her question fully answered.

She knew who she was in her previous life... but who was she now? They may have the same soul, but they were complete opposites as the shinigami had left clear. Did her soulmates love her that way? Or did they think she was like her?

She hadn't voiced her attraction for death before after all... their shocked expressions appeared inside her mind as she remembered how they had reacted when she voiced her darkest thoughts out loud for the first time. It was something she was not planning on doing ever again. She was scared now, her past life and her present life were nothing alike, and Y/N was sure her soulmates had seen that mestiza grow old in the tribe happily... 

She took a deep breath as she was unconscious about what really was going on outside her mind. The vampiress knew her soulmates were there, but she couldn't sense them anymore. Out of nowhere, some kind of relief came to her in which she could finally breathe without feeling like not enough oxygen was reaching her lungs. 

Namjoon had injected her something, she felt a cold liquid go inside her arm that made the area burn, yet the pain was nothing compared to the one from the migraine. Her dramatic ass groaned with a raspy voice as she just wanted to be left alone. 

"It'll be over soon baby," a faint voice said from afar, but in reality, she knew the person who talked was right next to her.

Sleeping was a terrible idea for her. Every time she seemed to sleep, bad things happened. She started to hate it even though when she was human, sleeping was good, especially when Suga or Koya was in her arms... the cat would always snuggle as close to her as possible. For some reason, a specific memory played in her head, one that had not shown up ever, but it had been stored in her long-term memory. She couldn't be older than two years old as she could only manage to babble out simple sentences. 

"Kolah!"  She called with her little voice as she made "grabby hands" towards the koala that walked closer to her. 

The fluffy koala was the only one watching over her as an emergency had happened. Her parents knew it was fine to leave her alone with her spirit guardian... that's what google said and the koala had proven to be a good care-taker. 

Koya couldn't resist her cuteness and the moment was perfect. He took the toddler in his arms before he shifted back to his human form. Y/N's doe eyes widened as plates as her moving-fluffy-plushy was nowhere to be seen anymore, but rather a man had taken his place. 

"Hi baby," Namjoon greeted with a dimpled smile that the toddler couldn't help but return giggling. 

"Kolah?" She asked as she looked up at the man.  Namjoon stood in the middle of the living room with his little soulmate in his arms comfortably analyzing his face.

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