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Buttercup was still on her wedding dress but her veil was off. Yugyeom had her sitting on his lap while he was sitting on the bed. The shinigami king took a dagger that was on the nightstand, the sharp blade cut through the skin of his wrist smoothly creating a little cut that was just superficial.

He offered his wrist to his now wife and queen. Buttercup looked at him confused as she didn't know what to do with his bleeding wrist but her vampiric instincts took over before she could think.

Her head rested over his shoulder as she peacefully drank his blood.

The clock was ticking... this was just the peace before the storm, but he was going to enjoy this moment... Buttercup's mind would soon come back and then the real hell would break loose. But he was going to be there to assume the consequences of everything. As Buttercup was feeding, the news of the new queen was already widely spread reaching everyone, even the humans.

She already had a strong bond with Yugyeom that would not break. Yugyeom couldn't die, and now she couldn't either. At first, she only had shinigami DNA, but now as she drank her blood, she was finishing the process of turning into that half part of herself. For the first time in so long, when she would go back to being her, she would have an equilibrium within her parts.

As soon as Buttercup let go of Yugyeom's wrist, his cut disappeared.

Now that she was fed, it was the time...

The shinigami king took his shinigami queen in his arms in bridal style outside the room. The guests talked, giggled, and smiled up to that point. Excitement was still in the air though.

It was time to kill some vampires. But before they could do that... Buttercup needed to do something very important.
Now that shinigami blood was running through her veins, she could now split a tiny little portion of her soul that would make her unkillable.

Shinigamis could search for objects where they could link a little part of their soul to. It had to be a meaningful object.
The necklace and ring Buttercup wore were meaningful to Yugyeom as he knew his beloved future queen would wear them once he found her, that's how he was able to split his soul. Every shinigami must have one.

Buttercup had an advantage over all of them as she had had plenty of past lives. Aketzali's skull was unreplaceable and valuable. It was the perfect object to live a little piece of a soul... no one would notice.

The object would be automatically protected by sources of energy no one but shinigamis understood. This protective energy was responsible for Princess Pepper's suffering that cursed day in which she tried to figure anything about Buttercup's necklace with her talent.

"Buttercup, hold this," Yugyeom said as he handed her Aketzali's skull that was still protected by the glass case.

Buttercup at first didn't know what to do, but for some reason, she felt a very special connection to the skull. Energy she had never felt ran through her veins out of nowhere. Pleasant tingles ran from her tiptoes and the top of her head to the tips of her fingers where she was holding the skull. She just had to concentrate all that energy in her hands long enough for the process to finish. It was supposed to be something that just happened without thinking much about it.

And that's exactly what happened. Buttercup didn't think about it... it just felt right. After the necessary energy was transferred to the skull, a tiny piece of her soul split from her and went to the skull. Buttercup didn't feel anything, but the rest could feel the energy that emanated from the skull.

Yugyeom grinned. The shinigami took the skull from her and left it over a side table in the most protected room of the entire castle.

Now that the process was over.

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