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"What happened this time?" Hoseok asked on the verge of tears as Jin and Namjoon were already gone with their precious soulmate.

"I don't know," Jungkook said with a broken voice.

All five of them were sitting on comfy sofas in the waiting room. Y/N was in another room getting an electroencephalogram done (a test that detects brain activity). 
The nest knew she always wakes up remembering the last thing that happened right before she passes out, but nothing after that. Namjoon theorized that her brain waves slow down, and brain activity becomes more dynamic... just as if she was sleeping. She was not one of those cases in which she was still able to hear everything going on around her while she was in a comatose episode. 

Taehyung wiped Jungkook's tears with the pad of his thumbs softly as his own ran down his cheeks uncontrollably. 

"She'll be okay... she's always been okay," Taehyung reassured the curled baby in front of him that he adored so much. Jungkook leaned closer to Taehyung to get automatic comfort. 

Yoongi being the oldest present took it on him to be the emotional pillar for everyone. With Jimin on his lap holding tightly onto the cat, Yoongi made sure he calmed all of them down by spreading calmness through their bond.. a calmness that reached Y/N as well even though she wasn't aware of it. 


"My dear precious Buttercup."

Two pale black eyes stared at her. His eyes expressed the love he had for her. 

Their time together was limited and Yugyeum wanted to use all the time they had the best he could. His heart ached as the thoughts of what might happen in the future hunted him, but he took a deep breath to only focus on the present. In this present, his Buttercup was right in front of him. 

She had appeared in front of him at the gardens where his lonely statue stood and two swans swum in the waters calmly as a couple. Their names were Romeo and Juliet.

His heart hammered inside his chest. The shinigami closed his eyes as he took Buttercup's little hands in his. 

"Please be mine..." he said over a whisper begging her.

Buttercup looked at him confused. She tilted her head before she asked. "Yours...?"

He looked down with his eyes crystallizing. "Just for once..."

Her heart ached as she watched the only person she knew sad... extremely sad. She did not understand what was happening, but something was clear to her. She wanted to see his smile again. 

"I'll be yours," she said with her sweet voice... the voice that made his heart beat. 

He chuckled as a single tear ran down his cheek. Buttercup had accepted, but her true self was not aware of it. He felt terrible that he had to do this, but he just couldn't stand it. His fate had been sealed along with hers. He couldn't change it, and he didn't want to either. 

The girl in front of him in another life wasn't supposed to be his, but here he was, destiny had brought them together and intertwined their futures. As messed up as this could be, he couldn't change it. Destiny was cruel to him from the start, but he wanted to free his Buttercup from Destiny's trap. 

"I never stopped loving you and never will. I know this is not fair and it is extremely selfish of me... but I intend to stick by your side. At your downfalls and uprisings... I'll be there. Would you marry me and become my official queen?" The shinigami asked barely over a whisper. It was hard to breathe for him as all his emotions were overwhelming him. 

Buttercup giggled cutely. "I will!" 

His heart skipped a beat. Yugyeum slipped a beautiful ring that matched with her necklace in her left ring finger...

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