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Y/N's cheeks were puffy and her heart was content. 

Her precious father was giving her an immense amount of food for her to try on. The plans her father had to open a restaurant were finally becoming a reality.

All her seven soulmates were with her trying the food as well although they were in their animal forms. The human couple wanted as many opinions they could get as possible before making every recipe for the restaurant official. 

As the newborn vampiress tried all the food both of her parents were making, the T.V. was playing in the living room a couple of meters away as mere background noise. News about her country was echoing in the living room while she ate everything her parents would place in front of her. "Killer squadrons continue to strike..." Y/N's left eye started to tingle. The newborn vampiress tensed in her spot as she now knew what it meant. She didn't want to think about it... "It is not only in here anymore, in the United States a similar group of serial killers has been keeping everyone terrified. Although every death is of centuries-old gangs, it doesn't mean that the murders aren't cold-blooded."

Her eye continued to tingle so the newborn vampiress braced herself. Nothing was happening yet and she wasn't sure what was triggering it. The news couldn't be it, she had watched the news recently and nothing had happened. 

"Here is our special tacos al pastor," her dad said with a proud smile as he placed all the tacos in the middle of the table for everyone. Chimmy was the first one to try them. Seconds later the ball of fur was playfully licking the back of the human's hand in approval of his food. The man caressed Chimmy's head lovingly before looking at his daughter try them. "So what do you think?" 

As she was savoring a taco, she turned to look at her father. That was her biggest mistake. The moment their eyes made contact, she was suddenly looking through his eyes to the past.

The room was silent but warm. His happiness was still with him... nothing had happened. The house would still have a little girl making noise and running around with her spirit guardians all over the house.

The moment he was told about the attack at the kindergarten he felt as his whole world had crumbled apart. The terror his wife and him had lived for that one hour in which uncertainty filled them had been the worst time in his life.  

His heart was violently hammering inside his chest as he cradled his little girl in his arms. She was already asleep after almost an entire day of crying... which was justified. He worried she was going to be permanently marked by this. Living in a third-world country was already bad enough with all the people laying dead on the streets, police officers wearing masks because they did not want to be recognized, and obvious gang members of all types walking around freely.

The human father was sitting in a butterfly position with his baby laying across his arms with her little legs hanging to the side over the bed. The baby koala who had kept her safe in his arms was sitting over the bed with his head laying on the human's knee as he looked at the little girl peacefully sleeping as she felt safe after all that had happened. 

She had a little cuddle buddy inside her arms. Taetae had snuggled as close to her as possible before she fell asleep. 

Y/N... his only child, his treasure... well, his entire life was almost taken away from him. The single thought of it caused uncontrollable tears to run down his cheeks as he felt useless. A vampire had been behind it but Taetae had killed the man right away. It had been confirmed that it wasn't just that dead vampire responsible for the try of kidnapping. A whole gang of vampires was behind it.

What was the reason behind this? He hadn't done anything to deserve this. He wasn't part of any type of gang or anything. He was wealthy, not rich, and was not known at all... he seemed like just one more human that did not stand out.

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