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Never in her short life did the newborn imagine herself in such garments. What was happening right now seemed surreal to her. Suddenly, she felt like she was in the Elizabethan era with all her surroundings. She wasn't at the main place where she needed to be, but the foreign feeling was already there. 

Everyone around her was wearing either high or low ruffs. She herself was wearing one. Taehyung had made a ruff for her in such a short period of time and it looked fabulous, but the ruff made her have a straight posture she was not really used to. The dress she was wearing had a lot of layers and jewelry all over. The necklace she had gotten god knows where was on display as well but not as the main accessory as there was already a lot of jewelry within the dress. Her hair on the contrary had been styled with a Victorian hairstyle... her hair was puffy but so stylish, she liked it.

With every step she took, her heart raced a little bit more. It was hard to walk in her dress and that made her extra nervous. She felt out of place. The Royal Palace had centuries of history, the vampires around her were at least two centuries old while she... she had just graduated out of high school. There was no apparent place for her, at least, that's what she was convinced of.
Jin and she were walking in front while her other six soulmates were walking closely behind. Her arm was linked with his, that simple gesture made her feel reassurance that if she was to fall, he would save her.

A new member was about to join the vampire royalty, thus every member was called to attend the important yet short event... at least it was going to be short for her and the princess while the rest of the royals would stay a bit longer. 

She could already hear the vampires talking and bickering. The tallest door she had ever seen was already a meter away from her. She let out a silent nervous sigh. Jin softly pulled her aside to be closer to her. As Jin was the king's nephew and fourth in line to the throne, he was the most important right now after Y/N.

"Ready?" Jin asked her through their nest-link. The vampiress nodded softly seconds before the doors opened. 

All eyes were suddenly on her tiny frame. The nobles had already seen her, but this time it was different. She was about to obtain a rank higher than most of the vampires in the room. Envy was all over the room but also excitement as someone new was arriving and relief that the princess had finally found a perfect lady-in-waiting for her tastes... it had been so problematic. The queen had tried to appoint many ladies-in-waiting for her, but the princess had fired all of them after a couple of weeks. What was the problem? The princess never said to her parents but left it clear to the ladies who never dared to speak about it. After all this trouble, she was allowed to choose one herself (the monarchs had this as a test), what they never saw coming was the time she took and who she chose at the end. Y/N as the only lady-in-waiting had one of the most important places in the princess's present and future court because of the power and responsibility her soon-to-be position held. Y/N had almost all the requirements for the perfect lady-in-waiting. The newborn vampiress lacked age and experience, but that she could get on the job... Y/N was Jin's soulmate, just that alone was enough to qualify. 

The position seemed very demanding, but it really wasn't going to be that much for Y/N.

At the end of the room, right in the middle were the king and queen along with the crowned princess sitting right next to the king, and then all her soulmates were sitting on her left in minors thrones but that showed off their titles nonetheless. 

The court was sitting in front of the monarchs at both sides of the huge room. Every seat was occupied but seven. Y/N's seat was to come soon next to the princess.

The queen had a very piercing gaze, and now more than ever. Y/N had to prove herself worthy once again, but this time it was worst. She tried to hide how intimidated she felt by the queen... her Elizabethan collar was enough for her to feel uncomfortable... the power the queen held was unmeasurable and the only one who dared to defy her was her own daughter... the king on the other hand was also as powerful, but he was more chill and easy in life. 

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