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Three wood poles were outside the castle where every vampire living in the kingdom and the media could see the corpses tied to the poles. The former monarchs and traitor were not going to be given any piece in death as everyone would have assumed. The look of their rotting flesh disgusted human eyes, and the odor that attracted flies made everyone be meters away from them as the smell was too much for a vampire's heightened senses. 

No one wanted to be the one to take the bodies down... no one wanted to get on the queen's bad sad after all. It was obvious that with her in charge; no one was going to be able to get away with things. Many were already comparing her with a tyrant, but the counterarguments were just too strong. Pepper was far from being a tyrant, she was just making sure to show whoever dared to try to betray her what would happen. The evidence she had shown after the bodies were placed outside was stammering. Even if some tried, they couldn't defend the dead. 

Princess Y/N, already a bit famous for being Pepper's right hand was running through the halls of the Royal Palace with her breath hitching as she was in bad shape. The hybrid was still her right hand even if she hadn't done anything, it wasn't as Pepper had something for her to do, she had been jailed in that office for almost two centuries. Things were going to change, and the hybrid didn't know if she had to present herself as the queen of shinigamis or she could just pretend as that was not a thing. Shinigamis didn't want to be known, neither did she. She was fine with being Pepper's shadow. 

The doors of the throne room were opened by loyal guards that saw them come running. Even if the reasons for the murders were out there, many things were still blurry. A change of monarch in the vampiric royalty hadn't happened in centuries... the protocols had been basically forgotten by everyone... but for sure killing the previous monarchs was not part of the protocol.

The hybrid made eye contact with the queen right away. In reality, this moment should go down in history as the first reunion between Pepper, Queen of Vampires, and Y/N, Queen of Shinigamis...

For a second, Pepper wasn't sure if Y/N still wanted to be a princess and her lady-in-waiting, but with just a look, all the hybrid's emotions were shown to the vampiress through their bond...
Ah, their bond, an almost forgotten relationship that had formed between them before everything went out of hand. It seemed as it was yesterday the day in which Pepper had been allowed out of the library... out of her parents' claws, and allowed to be free for three days.
It seemed as it had been yesterday that Y/N had found out about a major event in her soul's history. 

The hybrid still had to found out how was she linked to Yugyeom. 

Before either one of the girls could address the other one formally, Pepper decided to speak going directly to the most important point.

"There will be a ball tonight. The traitors will be there, and who knows what they might attempt? I'm not a seer, and they had lost theirs." 

The leader of the two killers that had been killed by Y/N had... fancily? Referred to their leader as a seer even though the hybrid hadn't quite caught the reference until now.  Their leader had seen her birth, her whereabouts, and future actions with his gift that in the end was his curse. The now-dead seer couldn't try to overpower the shinigamis, but who knew about the people he left behind. 

The hybrid still didn't understand the extent of her powers, but in such a short amount of time, she had been able to see why the vampires feared the shinigamis. They had the power of cutting lives shorts, and could even get away if the monarch "looked to another side."  There were rules to follow that were not written anywhere, and if someone was able to take over the throne, they could use that in their favor. 

"Who are they?" Taehyung asked Pepper with a begging tone in his voice. His eyes darkened at the single thought of seeing people that were willing to hurt his soulmate, and the feeling was spread around.

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