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It had been an impulse... but one she did not regret. 

Everything still felt like a blur yet her memory was starting to work again. The first thing she remembered was waking up a bit late with the cutest baby bunny all over her face. Next, she got out of the house wearing the first things she had gotten from her wardrobe, skin-tight black ripped jeans and a shirt with the logo of the university she was going to attend. 

She did not plan anything, yet in the passion of the moment, she had declared that she was going to drive close to the city, leave the car somewhere, and then take the streetcar because it was so much fun. 

Y/N couldn't believe how reckless her actions had been, yet it felt good to do something unplanned. She did not have to follow a schedule, she could do anything! That made her happy.

After paying for a day-pass, she had boarded the first line color to come after making sure to mark her parking on Google Maps just in case. She did not have her purse with her, but her money along with her phone was in her pockets and Cooky the baby bunny was comfortably resting over her lap with her two hands keeping him in place even though he wanted kisses.

The human girl giggled as she raised the bunny close to her face. She started to kiss his little face as the streetcar moved fast. There were not many people in the wagon so that was good, she did not have to face such people. There were two teenagers of her age playing with her phones and an old lady looking at all three of them judging but none of them couldn't care less.

Cooky seemed to be all cuddly in the streetcar as he would not let Y/N's hand go. She put him over her shoulder to be able to caress him better. The bunny made some happy-bunny-sounds that made her heart jump happily inside her chest. If she was to stop petting him, he would grunt and thump with his strong legs in demand for cuddles or sometimes he would give her 'the booty' while peeking over his shoulder to make sure he was watching herself being ignored and apologize. Cooky is just the cutest thing ever. Just like the rest of her spirit-guardians, they all demanded a lot of love that she would always give them.

Two stops before Downtown, three HOT vampires went inside the streetcar and casually sat in front of the human girl. Out of nowhere, Cooky shifted his positing in her arms to look at the newcomers, out of nowhere the cute little bunny jumped out of her arms straight into one of the vampire's arms.

Her eyes widened at his sudden reaction. Why did all of them react like this when strange vampires got close to her? She did not know them from anything and her guardians have always been keeping males at bay.

There is something definitely going on but as she did not understand the supernatural world because of her human nature, she didn't know what was going on.

"Such a cute fluffy ball," the vampire who was now holding Cooky was smiling charmingly.

He was just like a ray of sunshine. She felt as his smile lightened her day with the weird feeling she got in her heart by just looking at the man's smile.

There were three vampires in front of her instead of two as to how it had been the last two other encounters. Having three pairs of red eyes looking at her with loving expressions with some hidden mysterious emotions in them was so weird. Just with their gazes over her, she could feel her face start to heat up. All of them had strong presences, yet they were not as shocking as that vampire... SeokJin...

The streetcar stopped, making her come back to the little reality inside her bubble. After a couple of seconds, the streetcar continued its way but Y/N stood up as the next station was going to come sooner than later.

The vampires also stood up, not in a threatening way, but it felt weird... it felt as they were destined to accompany her everywhere.

She held the post closer to her as the streetcar went under a tunnel but the three vampires stood calmly on their spot as they looked at her. 

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