Bonus Chapter

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"You should postulate for student government president," Taemin suggested before sinking his left fang into the blood pouch's seal.

Y/N's lips turned into a thin line as she unsuccessfully refrained herself from smiling with a certain glint appearing in her eyes. "And what, turn it into a dictatorship for the year?"

A soft pop reached her ears once Taemin had finished the pouch, carefully folding the bag to put it into the biodegradable paper bag they had taken with them for trash. "Wouldn't it be hilarious? I'll be vice-president for your campaign."

The hybrid turned to look at him with a knowing smile for a second before her head turned away from him, her right hand quick to dip into the picnic basket Jin had prepared for them. "Vice presidents don't do much," she muttered as she caught hold of the apple pie slices in a container with a red lid.

"Are you just gonna let Minhyuk win? You know there's nobody going against him as of now, right?"

The hybrid gave Taemin a slice of pie before her gaze turned out to the ocean. The best friends were at the bridge by the coast once again, where the two of them had teleported to that night in the middle of the chaos. Tonight the ocean was rather calm. The ocean waves had calmed down and the once violent winds calmed down when the vampires arrived as if sensing Y/N's power. The place no longer felt uneasy.

Student government elections were happening soon at their university, -and it would be appropriate for a princess to take ruling,- that's what an annoying royal advisor had told her, but as easy as his words had entered her left ear they exited through her right eat without much analyzing. Now here was Taemin wanting to create minor havoc on an already balanced order because of course it was Taemin, the only one to know about Gavin's revenge and just alerting Y/N about it.

"Remember the leadership parties? Where Somi ended up throwing up at the end?" The hybrid snorted with half a pie in her mouth. "They also have parties like that."

The hybrid rolled her eyes knowing there was no way she could ever say no to Taemin. "Fine fine. But if we win or not it's out of my power."

Taemin elevated his left fist to the air in a silent whoop. "Oh, we will win. People love you and would do anything for you. You have to use that to your advantage."

The vampire's words were true, much to the hybrid's dismay. From the first day of school, Y/N had walked into campus anxiously as her soulmates gave her thumbs up, for the first time leaving her on her own even though they were just a scream away with their bond. They wanted her to make friends on her own. Now that she was bonded to them and with Taemin at her side, she was more than safe. Her nerves were justified but as soon as people started spotting her, many greeted her "Princess Y/N!" with grins on their faces, completely head over heels for her while the hybrid greeted back not having a clue about why until she soon found out that nobody had a clue about what had happened at the ball, nobody knew she had attended with the king of shinigamis. The only thing they knew was that a Disney princess was walking around the campus and they would do anything for her.

The hybrid tried convincing herself somebody out there was filming a movie and she had been chosen as the main character, but as the term continued, she realized there were two types of people: the ones terrified to get on her bad side and the people that just loved celebrities and royalty. Also, had she mentioned that Yoongi had been chosen as director of the orchestra for the school year while the original director was out on maternal leave?

Yoongi had no right to be this hot.


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