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An infinite forest of pines that covered the sun was finally surrounding the entire nest. It was clear they were not in the mortal realm anymore. 

The place was cold enough for Y/N to be comfortable with her thick sweater. The cold breeze hit her cheeks but it wasn't strong enough to mess with her long hair that had grown a bit since she had last realized it. 

Trees were the only thing around, and it was time to change it up. The hybrid didn't have much in mind about the place she wanted to create. She had seen a lot of castles in her life, so she was just going to randomly generate one.

"Is this..." Yoongi trailed off as he looked around frowning.

"The new shinigami realm..." Namjoon said out of breath as he couldn't believe what his eyes were saying.

The shinigami realm was something known, but no one other than shinigamis knew how it manifested or how it looked. Many even thought that it was just a black void in which shinigamis would get lost. There were just hundreds of loose theories and zero facts. 

"Is this everything...?" Jungkook asked as he had no idea what was supposed to happen.

"I'm trying to do something..." the hybrid said in a tiny voice out of nowhere while she tried to focus. 

Her gaze pinned on a big portion of pines... in her mind, she made all those pines disappear to open space. The corner of her lips lifted up seconds after she imagined a new reality, the pines disappeared in front of everyone...

Her mind was racing with excitement as she had figured things out... for the most part. 

The grass that was on the now free area became pave-stone to set some kind of basis to the place. The hybrid looked up to the now visible sky. She hated the sun so it was nowhere to be seen, clouds covered the sun perfectly. Within the clouds, she imagined the top of a tower. The tower that appeared was simple and had no decor, but it was a good start. She added the first level close to the tower and then decided to make a second story to then connect it to the single tower. Now she had a simple tower connected to a high rectangle. She was now going to some details to have things clearer. Her lips pursued forwards as she decided to add a two-story rectangle to the already existing one at an angle of ninety degrees, creating an L shape to the main body of the castle. 

She wanted big outside stairs that would go to the second floor, maybe connected to some balcony. A little semi-spiral appeared in front of them, and Y/N decided that they were just right, now she just needed to connect them to something. She had the L-shaped main building that she decided to widen the entire building to have much more space. If she needed a bigger castle, later on, she could just move things around again. 

She connected the stairs to a long balcony, and then decided that on the other side of the building she also wanted another balcony to make the castle look prettier. 

The hybrid held onto the nearest arm she found, which turned out to be Taehyung's. She hugged his arms just the way she would cling to her father, but with Tae was way more intimate.

"How can I decorate?" She asked to no one in specific.

She knew her soulmates were the right people to ask for help, after seeing the place they had built for their nest, she knew she had to ask them. She wanted the place to look beautiful so the shinigamis would be proud to call it "home."

Jin's eyes sparkled in excitement as he had already had the entire building ready in his mind. He could project the image and Y/N could make it a reality...

It was gonna be so much fun.


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