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Her breathing was heavy and her body was cramped once again, but her eyes were finally allowed to open.

Jungkook was the first person she saw, but seconds later all her soulmates were making sure she was fully awake and not like last time... all her senses were in the real world.

A hand caressed her head making her body relax at the loving touch.

They were worried, but less now that they finally knew what was going on, well... kind of. Namjoon had managed to find something, but not her talent exactly, rather a skill that could be learned by vampires, but it was one of the hardest to learn and the vampires that had mastered the skill usually regretted it. Now that this unique skill might be her talent was worrisome.

Hoseok, Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon were the best at helping with strong emotions, and that would become handy right now. Y/N had good control over her emotions, but as a newborn, her powers were going to be out of control. Her talent was not influenced by emotions, but the toll on her mental health could be big.

"I fell asleep again?" She asked a bit disoriented.

Namjoon took a deep breath. He was the one who was going to explain what the heck was going on.

"It is nighttime... why don't we go to the gardens?" Joon suggested and everyone agreed. She didn't know it, but she had been sleeping for two weeks by now as the nest had tried to contact someone with her skills but failed miserable.

Jin smiled softly at the baby. "You must be thirsty... some blood would be good-"

Jimin bit his wrist right away to create a wound from where their baby could drink blood from. The girl did not hesitate on taking his wrist. Jimin cooed at her cuteness.

Her delicate lashes softly fall over her cheeks as her eyes were closed. Her thirst was big but Jimin had prepared himself by drinking multiple bags of organic blood. She drank his blood fastly with long gulps so she was done drinking earlier than everyone thought.

Jimin chuckled before he took her in his arms in a bridal style. His wound healed right away now that nothing was disturbing it. Jin opened the door for everyone and then Taehyung led the way outside.

All the curtains at the house were closed. Even if the windows were tinted, they preferred it this way as it was safer for her.

The gardens were peaceful and organized. Every detail had been planned by Jin as he constructed the definite house a long time ago. Some black roses caught the girl's attention and Jin noticed them. He made a mental note to plant more of them once things went back to normal.

There was a white fountain with an angel wearing a delicate dress and around it, there were some benches for the vampires to sit in the middle of the gardens. Jimin passed Y/N to Namjoon before all of them sat down on the benches. The sound of the water running was somewhat soothing to everyone and the darkness made Y/N feel at ease along with her soulmate's arms around her. Namjoon softly places her on his lap while her legs rested over Yoongi's. Yoongi's hands were quickly over her legs to give her some comfort.

"Remember what you saw baby?" Namjoon asked out of nowhere. "About those Pipil people?" She hummed in an answer as the memory loosely played inside her head. "That was someone dead communicating with you."

That last part had gotten her attention. A dead person talking to her? Why...? All of a sudden she was looking at Namjoon with all her attention and big doe eyes thirsty for the knowledge the vampire had.

Namjoon's fingers tangled with her long hair as he planned how to say the following. "Baby, I believe you have been blessed by a shinigami that gave you your biggest talent."

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