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Things were confusing for everyone. But there was something clear in the middle of the chaos.

Felix was smiling from ear to ear as he was sitting next to Y/N in the Royal Library. They had seen each other once again, as they had promised. The occasion? having tea together. 

The Royal Library was an entire castle bigger than the palace the royal family lived in. Some rooms were beautifully decorated as they served to take a break from whatever was taking place at the library. The place had very restricted access, and thus everyone was surprised that the newborn vampiress had been invited. 

"Have you ever tried to bring a flower back to life?" Felix asked excitedly as finally, someone had his skill, even though for her was her main talent. "I love to bring the black roses back to life." 

Her eyes widened at the mention of black roses. "Are there black roses around here?" She asked completely surprised while her cup of tea rested on the table for a couple of seconds.

Bringing them back to life?

"Yes! Pepper baby loves them!" 

Y/N had to bite the inside of her cheek to not laugh at the nickname. It wasn't that the nickname was ridiculous, it was just so cute... but it was the crowned princess they were talking about, how could he just call her that? 

Felix must have sensed her confusion as he quickly explained with a big grin on his face. "Crowned Princess Pepper is my soulmate. She is the youngest one of our nest as she was born in 1803."

The newborn vampiress smiled right away as love was in the air around the library. "Aw, I'm so happy for you. Is the nest family complete?" 

"Yes!" Felix exclaimed. "It is." Felix's eyes went out of focus for a brief second, signaling that something was going on through his nest's link. "Would you excuse me for a bit? Jeongin needs something really quick." He stood up from his chair. "Why don't you meet me at the gardens? If you go straight through that door, you'll be there right away." 

The newborn vampiress smiled. "Sure. See you in a bit."

 Not hiding her smile the vampiress got out of the room through the door Felix pointed out. Just as he had said, she was directly under the darkly tinted glass ceiling covering the entire area of the gardens. If it was day, she wouldn't be able to know.

Black roses were strategically planted, yet they were everywhere around, followed by a less large amount of red roses and other types of flowers. There were a lot of benches with the intention of having vampires read there, but the newborn vampiress was the only one in the gardens... or so she thought. 

In the distance, in the darkest part of the gardens in which many trees with pink leaves were planted was a singular presence. The first thing the vampiress noticed about her was the long decorative veil she was wearing as the vampiress had her back facing the newborn. The veil was delicate with a Victorian-style that was eye-catchy. But what was more impressive, was the hair... her hair was way longer than the veil, it probably went down the vampiress's ankle, a famous trending from the Victorian era as well... and Y/N thought she was the one with the long hair. Everything about her was straight out of the Victorian era to be honest, from head to toe. 

Y/N wasn't sure who could that be. There were doubts in her that that was the princess as when she met her, her hair was up in a very elaborate hairstyle. But maybe... and just maybe. And even if it was the princess, what would the newborn tell her? Even if Y/N wasn't technically a commoner, she felt like one. 

The little color she had on her face disappeared in a second as the lady turned around slowly looking down, admiring the flowers. Y/N let out a shaky silent breath as it was the princess indeed. Now what? It felt like every vampire in the library was nowhere to be seen. The princess slowly walked towards the newborn vampiress, always keeping her eyes on the beauty of the black roses. 

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