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Waking up had never been so pleasant for the human girl. It felt like she was still dreaming when she opened her eyes just to find a handsome looking at her with a bunny smile.

A red crimson had appeared seconds after she woke up and Jungkook's heart couldn't take it... she was just way too cute and the fact that he was finally in his human form with her also seemed like a dream.

Everyone in the nest felt like they were floating in a dream as the chocolate essence was new in the room, yet they had grown used to it throughout the years.

Jin was the first one to leave the bed after soothing a pouty Yoongi who did not want to wake up from the dream yet. The first sun rays of daylight were already visible on the horizon. The human girl had to go back home or else her parents were going to find out she was gone.

They did not want her to leave, but they could still be around with her as their animal versions. Her parents were going to be confused about having a zoo at the house but it wasn't like they left all their hair around as Y/N did. Literally, the huge amount of long hair had made the vacuum cleaner stop working because it got a huge ball of hair stock. It was a big oopsie.

Jimin buried his head in the crook of her neck. The slight contact his pillowy lips had over her sensitive skin made her get goosebumps down her spine. She silently sighed but was soon distracted by a sound she knew too well.


Two beautiful blue eyes appeared in front of her. Jungkook groaned as Suga's hair got in his vision. Suga showed his belly to Y/N as he stared back at her. She couldn't help but start to scratch him in the middle of his belly. Suga was on his full size so she had a lot of territoy to cover.

Her eyes widened when a soft demanding bark came behind her. The human girl had not noticed the moment Jimin had stopped being by her side. The pomeranian was on his side of the bed showing his belly as well for her but Suga was not willing to move any time soon so she had no option. Y/N quickly sat up on the bed with her legs stretched out close to each other. She placed Suga with his belly up on her left side while Chimmy was on her right thigh. With one hand for each, she started to scratch both of their bellies. Their soft fur felt wonderful in her hands and it was so relaxing.

Soon enough, everyone was turning into their animals to claim attention. Suga was quick to act though before someone else thought about it, he moved to claim his favorite spot. The big ragdoll cat gracefully moved underneath the girl's shirt to be fur-to-skin with her just as he liked. His head popped out of the collar of her chest making his fur tickle Y/N's neck.

Taetae quickly occupied Suga's previous spot over the girl's thigh while a squirrel, bunny, koala, and most importantly, an alpaca were at disadvantage. They would need to come out with ideas to fit in this petting session.

It was a mess... but Y/N stretched her feet to be able to pet RJ with them. The alpaca moved closer to receive more attention. The koala turned into his baby form to climb over the girl's shoulder. The koala rubbed his face on her cheek making her giggle. Cooky jumped inside her shirt as well to make some company for the cat, and Sunshine went to the opposite side to Koya to also rub his face lovingly on hers.

Even if it was a very weird situation, Y/N could feel all her stress going away as he scratched Taetae's and Chimmy's bellies. With them around, she did not feel like she had to worry about her future. She wanted them in her future, the rest was just going to fall in place if she was just careful to not mess up things.

For the last four years of her life she had worried so much about having to have the best grades to get into a good university and get some type of scholarship. All her hard work had paid off, and even she was rewarded with seven soulmates even though apparently they knew her too well.

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