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She froze on her spot with wide eyes. Y/N closed her eyes as she didn't wanna face him. Last time they saw each other was when they said "bye" for the time being. The hybrid turned around expressionless as she didn't know how was she supposed to act.

Her best friend was now standing in front of her. Shock was written all over his face as he saw her and the entire scene behind her. A dead vampire was laying behind her and a vulture resting over her shoulder. The eyes he knew were long gone along with the Y/N he had bonded with.

The person standing in front of him was someone else he didn't recognize.

Oh... dear Taemin. You had to come at the worst possible moment.

The hybrid looked down. "How did you find me?" She asked barely over a whisper with a neutral voice.

Taemin sighed silently as he registered everything around him as fast as he could.

"I... I felt you here through our bond... I mean here in the country so I teleported as soon as I spotted you..."

The last time he had seen Y/N she was a human. Taemin had assumed she was going to be transformed into a vampire... but her left eye, and the fact that she had killed someone. Where were her soulmates to start with? Never in his life had he seen her alone. He knew the vulture standing over her shoulder was not one of her soulmates but a real spirit guardian that for some unknown reason was now with her.

Hundreds of questions appeared inside his head, but as soon as they formed, the questions disappeared. He wanted to ask what had happened during the time he hadn't been with her. All he knew she was now a princess... a higher rank than him.

But there was one question that left the rest in the darkness. Did he still have his beloved best friend?

"Taemin..." Y/N whispered under her breath.

Before he could react, she was already moving towards him. Her arms extended on the air seconds before she crashed with him.

She felt their bond. It was a different bond from the one she had with the nest, but it was just as soothing.

Taemin stood frozen on his spot as she had never hugged him like this. It took him a couple of seconds for his arms to react... but soon he hugged her back.

"I-I can't go back," Y/N said with her eyes closed. Her back was facing the dead vampire but she could still see him in her mind. "I came here in search of answers but was met with many more questions. I don't know who am I, and I haven't known that since I was turned into a vampire. My eye randomly became black and..." the hybrid finally sighed. She was speaking frantically as she just needed to get it out of her chest. "Someone is taking me somewhere... far from this realm."

Taemin's brows knitted together as her last words repeated in his mind once again for confirmation of what he had heard. "What you mean someone...?"

Y/N shut her eyes tightly as memories from her soulmates crying every time she woke up played inside her head. The mysterious man's face also appeared in her face.

Other than her soulmates, she would trust Taemin with her life...

The hybrid gulped down harshly before she showed him through their bond... she showed him all the stuff she didn't dare to say a word about to her soulmates.

It started with her showing what she had done to Aketzali that night along with Princess Pepper, and then it continued with the memory she had about Samantha Henriquez and the photo. The mysterious man's face in her mind after she had woken up that time was also shown to him from her memories.

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