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Adelaine Williams didn't come from a wealthy household. She grew up knowing that family is the most important thing in life. Even if it isn't by blood.

When she was twenty years old her boyfriend who she loved at the time got her pregnant. She went to tell him only to find him in bed with another woman. She told him about the baby but he didn't want any part of it. She was left alone to raise a child.

The world went to shit and Adelaine was at work while her two year old daughter, Mia, was at her sisters house. She tried to get there and find them but most of the stuff was packed up and they were gone.

Adelaine was thankful that her sister maybe got her little girl out. It broke her heart that she wasn't able to be with her daughter and she didn't know if she was alive or dead. She went to her parents house hoping to find her family but they were all dead. It broke her heart and she sobbed for a while.

She spent the first couple weeks on her own before she met someone who brought her to a group. Glenn Rhee.

The two became bestfriends and always went on runs together. Adelaine was with the group when they found Rick, when their camp was attacked, and when they went to the CDC.

Adelaine was very helpful to the group. She knew how to fix cars and radios. She worked on engineering in college and she was very smart. She also knew how to make several different explosives but that was a story for another time.

When they were at the quarry, you would always find her sitting at the top of the R.V tinkering with the radio system or stripping old cars for parts.

She was usually the life of the party. Always making funny comments and saying stupid things. Everyone found her entertaining and enjoyed having her around.


Evan Greene was big on family. His sisters and father meant everything to him. He always looked after them especially when his mother and step mother both passed away.

Maggie and Evan were only a year apart. Maggie was twenty two and Evan was twenty three. They were close and after the dead started walking they spent most of their time together.

Evan had just finished college when the world went to shit. He had come home and thankfully made it to his family.

He knew how to use a gun even if his father didn't like it. Otis taught him how to hunt and how to shoot. Evan didn't go out a lot with Otis but occasionaly he would.


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