Knots Untie

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It's been two months since the walls fell and the walkers got in. Adelaine's pregnancy has gone along quickly and shes still officially on bed rest.

She's walked occasionally just so that her leg stays mobile but Evan hasn't left her side.

Until now.

Rick asked Evan to assist him and Daryl on a run to scavenge for food. He figured Evans become a community man and he's talked with a lot of people so they figured if he's out there, he'd know what to look for.

But both him and Adelaine are on the fence about him going.

"Look Addy, I know you're worried about when the baby will come," Rick stood in Adelaine room while she laid in bed and Evan sat on the edge beside her. "But having three people could be better than just two. Evan is our strongest and fastest fighter."

"He's not going." Adelaine shook her head. Ever since the events of the herd, she's been extra protective over her husband going outside the walls.


"No Evan!" she raised her voice. "I'm sorry Rick, but find somebody without a pregnant wife and a daughter."

Rick sighed and looked to Evan desperately. Evan nodded and set his hand on his wife's thigh. "Let me talk to her."


"Addy." he raised his brow at her. She sighed as Rick left. "I'm gonna go."


"No buts. It's just a run for food. It shouldn't take more than a day. I'll be here in the morning."

"Mia won't want you to go."

"Did you say my name mommy?" Mia hopped into their room. Immediately smiles graced their faces at her demeanor.

"Yeah honey. We were just talking." Adelaine smiled.

"About what?" Mia walked over and lifted her arms up to Evan. He happily picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"Baby, would you be mad if I went on a run with Rick and Daryl?"

"I no want you to leave."  Mia frowned and hugged his neck. Evan looked at Adelaine who gave him an 'I told you so' look.

"I know but daddy can help them." Evan said. "We need to find food for everybody."

"I guess..." she sighed. Adelaine chewed on her lip.

"Can you go to the living room while I talk to mommy?" Evan brushed Mia's bed head out of her face.

"Okay daddy. I love you." she kissed his cheek.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. Once she was gone he turned to Adelaine who's arms were crossed over her bump.

"Please just be safe." she mumbled, not looking at him.

"Hey," he carefully lifted her chin up to make her look at him. "I'm not leaving if you're still mad at me."

"I'm not." she mumbled. "I just worry."

"I know you do." he leaned over to kiss her. Adelaine brought her hands up to his neck and kissed him back hard. He placed his arm on the other side of her to get closer. When they pulled away breathlessly he stared into her eyes.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." she smiled.

Evan leaned down and kissed her belly. "And I love you munchkin." he whispered.

"He loves you too."

"She." he corrected her.

"Nope, we're gonna have a boy." she smiled. Evan shook his head and kissed her one more time.

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