Too Far Gone

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When Adelaine woke up she had Mia in her arms and Evan was laid behind her with his arms around her waist.

She brushed Mia's hair out of her face and caressed her tiny cheek. She sat up a bit and looked down at her daughter.

"Addy?" Evan's husky morning voice spoke. He rubbed his eyes and sat up behind her. He swept her hair to one shoulder and rested his chin on the other from behind. "Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome." she smirked and he kissed her cheek. Mia started to stir and they both looked over at her.

She brought her tiny hands up to her eyes and rubbed them before smooshing her face into the pillow. Adelaine and Evan laughed and she looked at them.

"Daddy!" Mia got up and climbed onto his lap. Evan wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped hers around his neck. "You're back."

"Yeah I am Princess." he smiled. Adelaine noticed how happy he was at the fact that Mia called him daddy.

"I love you daddy. You too mommy." Mia said as she curled into Evan's arms.

"I love you too." Adelaine and Evan said simultaneously with smiles on their faces.

"Am I all better now?" Mia asked them.

"Yeah baby." Adelaine rubbed her daughters back. "You've just gotta get some rest for a couple days."

"I don't like being sick." Mia frowned.

"Nobody does." Evan chuckled. "But your a strong girl and you kicked that sickness butt!" He held up his hands for her to high five.

"Yeah I did!" Mia clapped her hands against his and then laid her head on his chest. Adelaine smiled at the two as she kissed Mia's head. "Is Uncle Glenn okay?"

"Yeah, he's all better." Adelaine told her.

"Can I go see him?" Mia asked. Before either of them could reply a loud explosion rocked the entire building. Evan tightened his grip on Mia protectively.

Adelaine looked at Evan and he stood up with Mia in his arms. The two ran to Glenn's cell and Evan set Mia down.

"What's going on?" Glenn asked.

"I don't know. Just keep Mia in here with you while we go see." Evan told him.  Glenn nodded and Evan kneeled down with Adelaine.

"I love you baby. Do not leave Glenn's side." she told the little girl.

"I love you too mommy. You too daddy."

"I love you princess." Evan kissed her head then the two ran out of the cell block.

As they ran out they saw Maggie, Beth, and Carl come out of one building and Rick, Tyreese and Daryl from another.

"Get back!" Rick shouted.

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