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"No more okay?" Evan whispered to Adelaine as he laid her on their bed

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"No more okay?" Evan whispered to Adelaine as he laid her on their bed. Two weeks passed since the entire ordeal at Negans compound and Evan had been extremely strict on Adelaine.

He needed her to be careful. She never left Alexandria, struggling to even get herself around the community. they both knew she was due to give birth any day now and it left them both extremely anxious.

"Okay." Adelaine kissed her husbands lips. "Are you still going with Denise?"

"Yes, she wants to find some more meds especially for when the baby comes." he said rubbing her bump as he tucked the blanket over her. "Katherines gonna take care of Mia today while I'm gone. We want to make sure you have a safe birth."

"He's almost here." she said making him smile. "You know, we haven't really talked about names."

"What are you thinking?" he sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbing up and down her side.

"Well I know Maggie wants the name Hershel so, maybe we could name the baby after someone else?" she suggested.

"How about while I'm gone today, you brainstorm some names and when I get home, we'll decide okay?"

"Okay." she smiled.

"Alright I'll see you tonight baby." he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Bye, please be careful. I love you."

"I love you too."



It seemed like that was imminent in this lifetime. Whenever they believe that things are safe and there's a chance for something to go smooth, someone dies.

In this case, it was Denise.

The sweet doctor who just wanted to help. She just wanted to make a difference and prove herself.

Evan returned home that night and Adelaine immediately knew that something was off. He wasn't happy at all.

"Evan?" she sat up in bed as he walked to their closet and pulled his shirt over his head. He kicked his boots off and undid his belt before tossing it all to the side and flopping onto the bed beside his wife.

"Evan what happened? Did you not find the medicine? It's okay we still have some time-"

"Denise died."

Adelaide's heart dropped. What did he mean Denise was dead? The one doctor that they had? The only person besides the hilltops doctor that she felt safe giving birth with? Not to mention how sweet of a woman she was. All she wanted was to help, she couldn't be dead.

"What do you mean she's dead?" Adelaine whispered softly.

"We ran into Negan's people again. Someone Daryl and Katherine had a run in with a while ago. He killed her. Right in front of us we couldn't-" he cut himself off and took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair. "We got the meds, but at what cost?"

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