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"A job?" Adelaine asked Maggie as they sat in the kitchen at her house. "What do you mean?"

"Deanna wants everyone to be involved in the community which means we all have jobs." Maggie explained.

"She didn't give me a job." Adelaine said.

"She did." Maggie nodded. "She wants you to work with Abraham on the architecture of this place and Aaron said he has a garage full of mechanical parts for you to work with."

Adelaine looked at Maggie with her brows knit together and mouth open in disbelief.

"Do these people not realize I can barely walk?" she asked. Maggie tilted her head with a sympathetic look. "I have a daughter to take care of and I'm..." she trailed off.

"Pregnant." Maggie finished and Adelaine looked at her questioningly. "Evan can't keep his mouth shut for shit." they both laughed. "He came over and he was just so excited to tell me I'm gonna be an aunt."

"Well yeah, I'm pregnant." Adelaine pursed her lips. "And I haven't told anybody except for Evan and he told you. I haven't told Mia and I don't know how she's gonna react."

"Addy, just tell her. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to be a big sister." she said.

"I know but what if she gets upset because we're having another baby?" Adelaine asked.

"Addy, I'm sure she'd be more than happy to have a little brother or sister." Maggie told her.

"Even if she is happy about it, how am I supposed to raise a baby in this world. What if I'm so caught up with the baby that I-I don't have time for Mia?"

"Adelaine, everything will be fine. You're not gonna be alone through this okay? You're gonna have Evan the entire time and he will never let anything happen to the three of you, Glenn won't either. And then there's Daryl who would beat anybody's ass for you and Rick who practically sees you as a daughter. Everyone is going to help you Ads."

Adelaine nodded and pulled Maggie in for a hug. "Thank you."

- - -

"Daddy, look at my dress!" Mia ran towards Evan excitedly as she and Adelaine walked downstairs.  Deanna is hosting a party for all of the newcomers and Evan roped Adelaine into going.

"You look beautiful princess." he squatted down and kissed her forehead before looking over at Adelaine.  He smiled at her stubborness when she crossed her arms at him.

All she was wearing was jeans and a nice blouse with her combat boots.

"You couldn't at least where nice shoes?" he asked.

"Fuck off Evan. Be thankful I'm even going in the first place." she grumbled. He put his hand on her cheek and made her look at him.

"I won't let him anywhere near either of you." he whispered so Mia couldn't hear. He kissed her forehead making her lips twitch upwards.

"Can we go?" Mia whined and pulled on Evan's hand. "I wan see Carl!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." Evan squeezed her hand and they all made their way to Deanna's house.

They knocked on the front door and it was opened by Deanna. Adelaine clenched her jaw in annoyance.

"You came!" the woman greeted cheerfully.

Evan gave her a polite smile and nod and Adelaine walked inside with him and Mia following behind.

Mia saw Carl so she ran over and hugged his legs. He picked her up onto his hip and she happily talked to him making Adelaine smile. Evan put his arm around her waist and brought her over to Maggie, Glenn, and Noah.

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