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Adelaine ran as fast as she could with the little boy in her arms. She saw the farm house up ahead and ran even faster.

"Hey, you move, shithead!" Shane shouted at the man that shot Carl. "C'mon get us there!" He grabbed the man and Adelaine kept running.

"How far? How far?!" Adelaine screamed.

"Another half mile, that way!" The man shouted back. "Hershel, talk to Hershel. He'll help your boy."

Adelaine gets a sudden rush of adrenaline and sprints towards the farm house.

"You're gonna be okay baby." Adelaine cries to the little boy in her arms as tears stream down her face.

She wheezes and she keeps running. She looked up and noticed she made it to the farm house. The front door opens and an elderly man walked out with three girls and two boys.

"Was he bit?" The elderly man asked.

"Shot. By your man." Rick responds.

"Otis?" the older woman questions.

"He said find Hershel is that you?" Adelaine asked and he nodded. "Help me! Help my boy!" She begged.

"Get him inside." Hershel said. Adelaine runs up the front steps with Rick not far behind. "Patricia I need my full kit. Maggie, Evan. Painkillers, coagulates-- grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol." Hershel walks over and flips the blanket off of the bed. "In here."

Adelaine lays him down, still in a daze.

"Pillowcase." Hershel says.

"I-is he alive?" Rick shakily asks.

"Pillowcase, quick."

"Is he alive?" Adelaine asks.

"Fold it make a pad." Hershel hands it to Adelaine and she puts it on the wound. "Put pressure on the wound."

"You stay with me baby." Adelaine says in almost a whisper. "Stay with me."

"I've got a heartbeat." Hershel finally says and Adelaine and Rick take a shaky breath of relief. "It's faint."

"I got it, step back." The older woman says.

"Maggie I.V." Hershel tells his daughter.

"We need some space." The woman named Maggie tells Adelaine and Rick.

"Your name?" Hershel asks the two.

"Rick. I'm--I'm Rick." Rick stutters out. Adelaine is still just staring at Carl in a state of shock.

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