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"What happened out there?" Adelaine asked Michonne who had just returned.

Without Glenn, Katherine, and Evan.

"We got cornered in this town. The herd was on us and they went out to lure the walkers away. Katherine and Rick went another way to get back here." Michonne explained.

Adelaine squeezed her eyes shut. "J-Just tell me..." Maggie rubbed her sister in laws back. "Is he dead?"

"Theres no way Evans not gonna come walking through those gates. I know him and Glenn got out." Michonne grabbed her hands.

Adelaine couldn't help the sick feeling jn her stomach as she rubbed her bump.

"Open the gate!"

Everyone ran towards the front after hearing the shouts from over the gate. Adelaine recognized that voice anywhere.

"What are you waiting for?" she yelled at the people standing around. "Open the damn gate!" and they listened, pulling it open to reveal Katherine and Rick running towards them.

A herd of walkers right behind them.

The pair managed to get into the community just as they closed the gates and walkers swarmed the entrance.

"Katherine." Adelaine ran to her sister. "Are you okay?"

"I-I think I have a concussion." she said honestly. Adelaine helped her stand straight and begin walking towards the infirmary.

Rick was addressing the situation to the community and from what Adelaine gathered, half the herd was still being led away by Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha.

"Evans not back?" Katherine asked her sister as Denise stitched her head. Adelaine pursed her lips and shook her head. "Is he..."

"No he's not." she sniffled. "But now hes stuck out there and Im stuck in here."

"We'll find a way to get them inside." Katherine said.

"How? We're surrounded." Adelaine huffed, sitting beside her on the bed. "I just- I saw Michonne and the excitement that ran through me just to realize he wasnt with her...its the worst feeling ever." she said as single tear fell down her cheek. Her hands rubbed her baby bump softly.

"You love him more than anything Addy, thats why. I get that its terrifying not knowing-"

"We have two kids now Kath. If he doesnt come back- I cant raise them alone, I need him." tears began to fall from her eyes. "Im so scared." a choked sob escaped her mouth.

"I know honey." Katherine pulled her into her arms. Denise left the room to give them a moment.

"What do I tell Mia?"

"You tell her that her daddy's still out there helping." Katherine said. "That little girl loves him more than anybody and trust me when I say theres nothing in this crappy ass world that could stop him from getting back to you three and Maggie."

"If he doesnt..."

"He will." Katherine said sternly. "I have faith in my brother in law. That man will tear down anything in his path to get back to his girls."

"I suppose." Adelaine sniffled. "Wait what about Daryl? Arent you scared for him?"

Katherine looked at her lap. "I don't want to think about anything happening to him."

"Is there something going on between you two?" Adelaines mood lightened a bit seeing her sisters flustered state.

"Um-" Katherine scratched her neck.

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