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"All right, everyones getting new search grids today." Rick said as most of the group stood around the map. "If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far." Daryl tosses a flannel to Adelaine as she approached.

They did this a lot. She always stole his flannels so eventually he just gave up and started giving them to her.

"We'd like to help." they all look over to see Jimmy approaching with Evan not far behind. "We know the area pretty well and stuff."

"Hershel's okay with this?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, yeah. He said I should ask you." Jimmy said.

"All right then. Thanks."

"Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me." Shane spoke up from where he was sat on the side of the car. "Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse."

"Anybody includes her, right?" Andrea asked.

"Whoever slept in that cupbooard was no bigger than yay-high." Daryl held his hand up indicating how tall.

"It's a good lead." Adelaine said.

"Maybe we'll pick up her trail again." Rick said.

"No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up this ridge right here, take a birds eye view of the whole grid." Daryl pointed on the map. "If she's up there I'll spot her."

"Good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacrabra up there too." T-Dog told him. Adelaine laughed.

"Chupacabra?" Rick questioned.

"You never heard of this?" Dale asked as he set the guns on the hood of the car. "Out first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time when he went squirrel hunting and he saw a chupacabra."

Jimmy laughed and Daryl looked at him. "What are you braying at jackass?"

"You believe in a blood sucking dog?" Rick asked.

"Do you believe in dead people walking around?" Daryl retorted. Jimmy reached for a gun but Rick stopped him.

"Hey hey. Ever fire one before?" he asked the boy.

"Well, if I'm going out I want one." Jimmy shrugged.

"Yeah, and people in hell want slurpees." Daryl said.

"I think Addy's rubbing off on you." Dale shook his head. Adelaine looked up and winked at them.

Rick then turned to Evan. "Do you know how to shoot one?"

"Yeah Otis taught me." Evan said. Rick looked at Adelaine who nodded.

"He can use a handgun pretty well." she shrugged. "He can come out with me today." Rick nodded.

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