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"Holy shit." Glenn breathed out as he looked down at Tony's body. Evan tightened his grip on Adelaine.

"You all right?" Rick asked.

"Yeah." Glenn answered.

"Hershel?" Rick looked at the older man who nodded.

"We need to get Adelaine out of here." Hershel told them. They all looked over at the girl in Evan's arms.

"Ev." Adelaine whimpered out. "It hurts."

"I know baby, I know." He brushed some hair out of her face. "Just keep your eyes open for me okay?" she nodded and leaned her head on his chest while trying to ignore the pain.

"Let's head back." Hershel spoke. He looked at his son who carefully picked up Adelaine making her release a small whimper.

They were all headed for the door when they saw headlights and heard tires.

"Car. Car. Get down." Rick said. They all hid out of sight from the windows. The car parked and they could hear the sound of the people getting out and closing the door.

"Dave? Tony?" they heard a man call. "They said over here?"

"Yeah." another voice said.

"I'm telling you, man, I heard shots." A different voice said.

"I saw roamers." the second voice said. "two streets over. Might be more around here."

"Dave! Tony!" One of the men called again.

"Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract em? Just stick close. We're gonna find em."

"Dude he said to stay close."


It was silent for a bit and they couldn't tell where the men went.

"Evan." Adelaine barely whispered as her eyelids started closing.

"No, no, stay awake okay." he whispered. She nodded but closed her eyes in pain. "Dad we have to get her home."

"I know." Hershel whispered back.

"Why won't they leave?" Glenn asked quietly.

"Would you?" Hershel retorted.

"We can't sit here any longer. Addy is gonna bleed out." Rick whispered. "Let's head out the back and make a run to the car."

They were all about to leave when they heard gunshots. They quickly hid again and the voices came back.

"What happened?"

"Roamers I nailed them."

"They disappeared but their car's still there."

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